Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Letters to the Editor, The Sun-Sentinel

February 25, 2009

Letters to the Editor
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: Two things and let us thank God for giving us James Madison who gave us both of them.


Thank God for James Madison!
The little man was a giant.
He touches us still today.

When asked what was the most important trait to look for in a candidate for public office he answered, “Character. Character is all.”

You support Don Rosen for the Plantation commission. A question arose several years ago over his resume.

He claimed to have been graduated from Queens College with a degree in biology. Some people have doubted this.

If he did let him produce the transcript and the degree.

If he didn’t he’s a liar.

Only Presidents get to lie and get away with it. Presidents are sometimes required to lie. In fact, Presidents can perjure themselves with impunity. Plantation commissioners should not have the same perverse privilege. If he lied he should become anathema.

Speaking of the Founders, Samuel Adams said “We can never be too curious about the character of public men”.

Madison was the principal architect of the Constitution. It told us what government could do. George Mason told us what government could not do. Those proscriptions are called the Bill of Rights.

The question of the District of Columbia having a voting member in the House of Representatives begets a second question. If D.C. has a vote in the House shouldn’t it have a vote in the Senate? More precisely, shouldn’t it have two votes in the Senate?

Having a vote in one House of a bi-cameral system is like being almost pregnant.

The answer to the above is also found with Madison.

The question of the status of the District of Columbia is spoken to directly in the Constitution. It is in Article 1, Section 8.

[As an aside, other countries have capitol cities similar to ours. Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Australia have separate Federal districts.]

The current political pavane about one House vote for DC and one House vote for Utah is insulting both to the Constitution and students of American History. It is reminiscent of the one slave state/one free state compromises that led to Civil War.

If the status of the District of Columbia is to be changed let it be done in a way that settles the question once and for all.

Amend the Constitution.

It’s as simple and as difficult as that.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Congressman Ron Klein

February 23, 2009

Congressman Ron Klein
800 Broward Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: Stimulus? Change? Manners?

Congressman Klein,

The courtesy of a reply, particularly when the writer is a citizen who lives and votes in the district that you represent – I think that makes me a constituent – is a thing of the past. Perhaps it is a by-product of the much heralded “change”, a “change” that was going to make lions and lambs lie down without having to get a new lamb every night, that the first casualty of this “change” was manners and its alter ego, civility.

You would do well to learn Edmund Burke’s maxim on manners and civility.

Nevertheless, the questions arising from nine hundred million dollars [$900,000,000] being taken from American taxpayers or American capital markets and sent to the rocket launching, bomb throwing terrorists in Gaza must be asked.

Did you vote for it?
Did anyone vote for it?
Is it part of the “stimulus” package?
If we give it to Hamas how about the Taliban? Al-Qaeda? ACORN?
Other than coffin makers and grave diggers who is helped by this?

Does the term “firewater to the Indians” still have validity?

It was damning enough when Lenin said that we would sell his generation’s terrorists the rope that would be used to hang us. At least we got something in exchange for our demise. Here we get nothing but contempt. We get insulted. The Israelis get killed.

Fair exchange?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Broward County Commissioner Kristin D. Jacobs

February 22, 2009

Broward County Commissioner Kristin D. Jacobs
115 South Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: One way to end the housing crisis and help Mother Earth!

Commissioner Jacobs,

Borrowers are in trouble. Lenders are in trouble. Home builders are in trouble. Old people are in trouble. Young people are in trouble. Everybody is in trouble.

Almost 10,000 were in the queue for Section 8 Housing. The police had to be called out to maintain order. Although there was no mention of it in the print media it didn’t take a detective to see that the overwhelming majority of potential applicants for government help with housing were African-American. Of this majority the overwhelming majority were single moms, yes, women of color, with children in need of a good local Ritalin program. They are society’s most vulnerable members. As such they should be society’s most protected.

Herewith a plan to save them AND to defang the real estate crisis.

In case no one has told you let me be the first. If real estate values go down the amount of money the Broward County raises, money that is carefully spent helping people, goes down. That means you can help fewer and fewer people. You can’t have manatee suffrage and protection for greyhounds and counseling for pregnant pigs without a constantly rising source of revenue. If your elevator stops at all the floors even you should get that. You do, don’t you?

Let Broward County take over all foreclosed houses and apartments. Fill them with worthy Section 8 applicants.

Let Broward County take over all partially completed houses and apartments. Finish them with local residents being paid Davis Bacon wages.

Go Green!

Windmills. Solar panels. Organic cement. No plastic. Bamboo rebar. Victory gardens on the roofs. No swimming pools. Ceiling fans. No A/Cs. Bike paths to school. No washers and dryers.

The mind boggles at what we can do here.

It’s a “win-win” situation.

People get housing. If it isn’t a human right it should be.

People get jobs at good wages plus benefits.

I’ll bet that assault weapon usage will go down.

The only way to make it better would be to do away with the FCATs. Let’s do that too.

Call me for details.

E.J. Dionne, The Washington Post

February 22, 2009

E.J. Dionne
The Washington Post
1150 15th Street NW
Washington. D.C. 20071

RE: Come with me through the Looking Glass into the Land of Oz – A comment, perhaps too fair a comment, on your Logic and gravity defying column on the travails of the American automobile industry and what is a shibboleth driven modern American Liberal to do when the thought of mass transit for him gets too close. Plus, I’ll say Kaddish for your 15 year old Saturn.

Mr. Dionne,

“Like many Saturn loyalists, I was attracted to an excellent car
made by members of the United Automobile Workers.”

Did your car require gasoline? Where did the oil come from? How many union workers were there on the production rigs in Venezuela? In Nigeria? In Saudi Arabia? In Texas? In Brunei? In Ohio?

Did you ever pick up a Double Low Fat Ventimiglia Arabica Gelato cum Tofu at Starbucks? How many union members picked those coffee beans?

Have you ever bought anyone a diamond? Do think the guy with the pick and shovel one mile underground knows who John Sweeney is? Do you think he’ll have a “card choice” this year?

“This story captures the dilemma confronting the Obama Administration
as it struggles to work on a plan to salvage the unionized car companies
mostly in Detroit.”
Italics mine

If you cut a worker who is not a union member will he not bleed? Is the change we were promised for two years only for those who have union cards? Is the quality of Obama mercy so strained that it does not fall like gentle rain from the heaven? Should Nixon voters be denied Social Security?

Is there any place in the country with more modern American Liberals than Detroit? [Broward County perhaps, but there are no automobile factories here.] They have had control of the place for 50 years. Kabul and Mogadishu look like Geneva and ancient Athens compared to Motown. Whose fault is that? Senator Levin serves one useful purpose. He is the paradigmatic template for wretched excess when it comes to comb overs. His solution, with help from Governor Stabenow and isn’t she a hoot, is classic.

Take from those who have something left and give it to those who have less. [I’ll say this for the Chosen One. He told that to Joe the Plumber, remember? So far he’s kept his word. He did say he wanted to invade Pakistan, remember?] Oh yes, and raise taxes on everybody else.

I belonged to two unions. How many have you belonged to? Don’t count any teachers’ or government employee cabals or cartels. I am talking unions where when you come home from work you have to take a shower. I am talking unions where the blue collar is not from Brooks Brothers.

“But as long as GM stays unionized,
I’ll drive with a clear conscience.”

The Miami Herald printed the above. I guess that means you wrote it. [Is that the ghost of Joe Hill I see? Nope. It’s a community organizer from ACORN.]

It means that you are a horse’s ass of Brobdanaglian proportions. If you have to haul ass, as blue collar guys say, it will take you two, maybe three, trips. You probably should have a wheel barrow and an undocumented worker handy. It’s tough to push a wheel barrow when your intellectually steatyagonous ass is in it.

The above is not harsh. In fact, it is soothingly gentle considering you wrote the following:

“But how hard a bargain will the banks and bondholders drive?”

Earth to E.J. Earth to E.J. Listen up, fool.

Only someone who spent his entire adult life with his head so far up his ass about the real world and such things as making payroll and compensating balances and indentures and amortization schedules and cost above income could say something like that.

The stock is selling at a 75 year low.
Any banker in charge of a GM open line wears brown pants for obvious reasons. He can evacuate his bowel and still have a chance of getting off the floor before any other customers notice.
The bonds are priced above the debt of Zimbabwe but below California.

What “concessions” can they make?

Why not turn the American automobile industry over to the Cook County Democratic Party?

Their more than 50 year run can’t just be luck.

Despite having more public payroll padded perps in jail then we have towel head bomb throwers in Gitmo they keep on ticking. They keep their eye on the prize. Their job is to squeeze the lemon, slice the goose, get the squeal out of the pig, whatever it takes to keep their members working.

They got Michelle Obama a $200,000 annual raise. That’s a $4,000 a week raise. It only cost her husband a $1,000,000 in other people’s money. He got that as soon as he was elected Senator. They got him out of Chicago and into the White House despite having a resume that makes Teddy Kennedy look like Pericles or Pitt [William, not Brad]

This is a “can do” crowd.

Give them a shot.

In hindsight I was too gentle. Your head is so far up your ass you could fix your own teeth without opening your mouth.

I just know, it would be a chalk bet, that you don’t like WAL*MART.

What the sense of being a modern American Liberal unless you’re going to be oh so predictable?

PS – I’m applying for a vacancy at the Department of Commerce. I’ve signed 10Ks. [Ask your accountant] I have actually been a Federal census taker. I was born and raised in Bayonne, New Jersey so I can “tell the buttered side from the dry”. The job I’m applying for is Secretary. My main asset is that in the 1980s I had Federal tax liabilities in excess of $42,000,000. Right. That’s millions. Geithner and Daschle are pikers compared to that number. Can I use you as a reference? Get back to me, OK?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Congressman Ron Klein

February 17, 2009

Congressman Ron Klein
800 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: Three things

Congressman Klein,

“I want them to be the eyes and ears of the stimulus plan.”
Page 5B
The Sun-Sentinel

Great idea!

How about we have neighborhood committees made up of the more passionate of our citizens to keep an eye on who is lax in their support of the President’s stimulus plan?

Will there be a reward for “dropping a dime”, for “Naming Names”, of laggards, shirkers, stimulus plan deniers, or, Heaven forefend, Trotskyites?

How about spontaneous demonstrations for the plan? Here’s a rallying cry. One plan, one people, one leader. Catchy, isn’t it?

My mother in law was Miss NRA [No, she never owned guns] in Bayonne, N.J. during the Depression. Is it time to bring back the Blue Eagle?

You’ve heard of the Hollywood 10? How about the Pompano Beach 6? Is this the modern American Liberal equivalent of McCarthyism? Can HUAC be far behind? Where’s Lillian Hellman now that we really need her? [Just kidding about Lil. I have been an annual contributor for a 24 hour armed guard around her grave with bayonets facing the coffin lest this Marxist harridan creep out at night and re-infect the Republic.]

Try as I might I can’t find any “shovel ready” projects in Broward County. Maybe there is a reason why Chicago, the ancestral home of the White Envelope, and the breeding grounds of Rahm Emanuel, Rod Blagovevich, Mel Reynolds, a swarm of Daleys, Otto Kerner, and B. Hussein Obama is known as a “can do” city.

Free Speech

February 16, 2009

Letters to the Editor
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693

My dear guardians of Free Speech,

3 years into the controversy about the removal of Vamos a Cuba from school libraries I am glad to see the Herald is still in favor of free speech. Since that is about as risky as being in favor of cheese in Wisconsin or wheat in Kansas may I suggest a thornier path for you to go down to show your aversion to either the notorious “chilling effects” or the equally treacherous “slippery slope” of any kind of restriction on speech?

While we await an en banc review from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals may I suggest that you run the Mohammed cartoons?

13 centuries after the birth of Christ Christendom survived the publication of The Divine Comedy.

14 centuries after the birth of Mohammed he should be able to survive a little jostling, shouldn’t he?

After you run them you can tell us why the Fairness Doctrine is counter to all the traditions of the press in this country and should not be allowed back into law.

Steven Goldstein – The Sun Sentinel; Carl Hiaasen – The Miami Herald

February 15, 2009

Steven Goldstein – The Sun Sentinel
Carl Hiaasen – The Miami Herald

RE: Is there any thing else you share?

My dear Professor,

At last!

Joined at the hip [metaphorically speaking] by the common creed of too much is simply too much and only too little – Think Cuba. Dream of Bulgaria. Yearn for Zimbabwe. – can “cure” us.

“Avarice greases the wheels of our culture”
“Developers have controlled state and county governments…”
“Greed got us into the mess we’re in and only repenting
Our sin and mending our ways will get us out of it.”
“Reaping the fruit that greed planted.”

It doesn’t matter which of you two lachrymose keening Jeremiahs said which of the above statements. They are taken form today’s Sun Sentinel and today’s Miami Herald.

You are interchangeable. The ideas, the outrage, the chest thumping, the brow and breast beating, the victim-villain syndrome, the perpetual mantra of “Let’s make the poor rich by making the rich poor”, and the total suspension of disbelief about the laws governing gravity, and that “rainbow soup” will flow only if enough good people really, really want it to happen are what binds you.

I can’t uses the words nitwit or moronic, can I? Is horse’s ass beyond the pale of fair comment?

One of you makes a living telling us about pole dancing and frozen lizards. The other wants to make androgynous pole dancing a varsity sport replacing the FCAT.

Each believes that smart people with good intentions working together can make the “single mom, a woman of color, with children in need of a good Ritalin program, who is hurt by WAL*MART’s low prices into someone with a good job who will be a homeowner who plays the cello and volunteers at the local homeless shelter”.

The evidence of my own eyes suggests that a strong case can be made for including the words “nitwit” and “moronic” when talking about you two Johnny One Note screaming mimi jemokes who are giving modern American Liberals a bad name, a task once thought to be so impossible that it was up for inclusion should the number of Herculean tasks be expanded.

Our problems, says one, is that too many people came to Florida. One solution would be to institute the Terri Schiavo protocol for any sick person. Meanwhile, because it takes a few weeks for someone to starve, how about a return to 4th and 5th trimester abortions? Admittedly it’s a temporary solution until we can build a wall at the Georgia border keeping those outsiders out.

The other one says every problem we have, including a plethora of Quebecois and teenage obesity is caused by the Republican Party. The solution is obvious. If we can ban smoking in saloons we can ban Republicans in Florida.

There is some good news on the horizon.

The President’s Stimulus Package, having been passed by Congress and when he gets back from Chicago where he was handing out and picking up some white envelopes [Some things never change in Cook county, right?] is soon to be signed into law. It won’t take until Easter before happy days will be here again. There will be public fountains running on “balloon juice”, spewing out rainbow stew. The voice of the turtle will be heard in the land. And, as befitting His station in life, President Obama will walk down the middle of the Intracoastal at noon on Easter Sunday, curing the lame and the halt.

It’s almost time for some adult beverages. In fact, it is past time for a lot of adult beverages. Those, in industrial strength doses, plus a bit of Mencken and Swift, will get me through the day, I hope, I hope.

PS – I love Curley Biden. Don’t you? He continues the tradition of having imbecilic Democratic Vice Presidents. Alpha Gump raised the bar for harrumphing buffoons so high that Curley – named after the smartest Stooge – will have to find his own “controlling legal authority” to make his mark.

E.J. Dionne, The Washington Post

February 16, 2009

E.J. Dionne
The Washington Post
1150 15th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20071

RE: “The Eye of the Storm” – Your column about travels with the Great One that could be subtitled “Nothing Succeeds Like Excess”.

Mr. Dionne,

Two things about your tumescent paean to President Bambi were instantly obvious this morning.

#1 – Neither you nor he is aware of History. It, being filled with hard things called facts, is inconvenient when it conflicts with the agreed upon version of the way things should have been. Thus it gets tossed easily under the bus of true facts when it serves a greater purpose. At the rate this guy is going he’ll need to have a lot of buses in reserve. It’s getting very crowded under it.

You speak of “his devotion to FDR-style pragmatism”. I suppose it would be “pragmatic” for a candidate to run for President promising to balance the budget as FDR did. I suppose it would be “pragmatic” for him, having been elected, then to forget about his promise. Hey, that’s politics, right? “Nothing lost save honor”, right?

If “we will do what works” was the one fixed star of the period of the first two terms of FDR why didn’t he just shut the New Deal down? If the proof of the pudding is in the eating how could this experiment been allowed to go past 1935? By each and every measurable standard of an economy the country was in worse shape 8 years into the New Deal than it was at the beginning. Would not “pragmatism” have dictated a stop to all those failed policies at some point?

If the NRA didn’t work in the ‘30s and the Job Corps didn’t work in the ‘60s why should as yet some unnamed spawn of those disastrous policies be expected to work this time around?

Maybe it’s time to thank the Germans and the Japanese for their help in ending the Depression in this country.

#2 – Although you didn’t say it I am going to go out on a limb and assume that you were on Air Force 1 with the Chosen One. Answer as many as you can.

Do you know if he has to use toilet paper?
What about deodorant? Cologne? Breath mints?
Did you touch the hem of his garment? Did your bad knee feel better?
Were there any lame people at the airport so his shadow could fall upon them?

Is that a flashlight in your pocket or are you just glad to write about him?

President Bambi is spot on about one thing. He’s no “sap”. Why should he be when he has ass kissing toads like you on his intellectual payroll?

The spirit of Walter Duranty is about to be loosed on America yet again.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

February 10, 2009

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pembroke Pines Boulevard
Pembroke Pines, Florida 33026

RE: I used to think you were bright

My dear Congressperson,

I just saw you on TV. The host was the man with the funny vests.

He asked you about the fence on the Mexican border. You said you were opposed to it. Further, you said there were better ways to protect the country. You and the host agreed on the inadequacy of walls with the best example being the one in Berlin, it being built in 1961 and unbuilt in 1989.

Your official resume says that you have a Masters degree in Political Science. Too bad you never took any History courses.

The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in. In that limited context it worked very well. It was torn down by the people it was built to keep in.

Could even you, the poster girl for modern American Liberalism, imagine Jimmy Carter or Walter Mondale standing in front of it and saying, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”?

I can’t either.

Just one more reason for putting Reagan on Mount Rushmore.

Since you have no background in History I’ll be gentle. I’ll even type slowly.

One of the marks of a sovereign nation is the ability to control its borders. Two walls stand out. The Great Wall of China and Hadrian’s Wall were hugely successful in keeping people out. I won’t tell you any more. You may want to read about them. Unlike Toad Wexler at least you still live in Florida. It may be something for you to do on those long plane rides. Talking to Momma’s Boy Congressman Kendrick Meek on a long plane ride must be like never ending root canal.

I heard you say something about how spending less money in Iraq will enable us to spend more on border and airport security. Apparently you never had any courses in Logic either. You may wish to become familiar with the Trivium.

You also said that some “adjustments” had to be made in Afghanistan.

If by “adjustments” you mean a “surge” all I can say is “You go, girl!”

“Surges” work.

Sherman’s worked. It shortened the Civil War by at least a year. Think how many slaves were freed because of it.

Patton’s could have worked. We didn’t have enough gas or he would have gotten to Berlin in 1944. Think how many fewer people would have gone into the ovens.

Maybe you hadn’t noticed or maybe you forgot but the “surge” in Iraq worked also.

You may wish to become more familiar with Kipling if you think all it will take in Afghanistan is an “adjustment”. Queen Victoria was not in the habit of making Generals into Field Marshalls for losing wars. Lord Roberts’s book “From Kabul to Kandahar” details how he earned his baton.

I should watch more TV in the afternoon.

PS – “Curley” Biden – named in honor of the smartest Stooge – is a hoot, isn’t he?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Jon Meacham & Evan Thomas, Newsweek

February 9, 2009

Jon Meacham
Evan Thomas
251 West 51st Street
New York, New York 10019-1894

RE: “All them corn fields and ballet at night” – Fred Kite’s rhapsodic view of the coming workers’ paradise once Socialism was in place

The Messers Meacham and Thomas,

If your statement, “We Are All Socialists Now”, is true will our paradigm - I love using words that modern American Liberals embrace – be the wildly successful Bulgarian model or the more simpatico Cuban example?

Since the Bulgarian pattern is decidedly non-euphonic I’ll go with the Cuban example.

Other than breakfast, lunch, and dinner Castro seems to have turned the corner on all the other problems facing Cuba as it enters the information age. Since he is the only man in the History of the world to have a belly ache for more than 2 years who knows what his final legacy will be? I think his contributions to long distance swimming will rank high. Some of those lads would beat salmon going upstream in a priapristic heat while dodging grizzlies at the same time. His motto of “You want to go to Florida? Swim” has stood the test of time.

But then I got to

“Remember Joe the Plumber? Sadly, so do we.”

What in the name of Robert Owen, Huey Long, Nehru, Clement Atlee, 50 years of African History, and Bernie Sanders does Joe the Plumber have to do with Socialism?

It seems to me that he tried to parlay a chance encounter into something of value for him and his. No harm, no foul. He probably should have had a copy of his tax lien in his pocket so he could have handed it to Senator Obama. Considering how things worked out he might have made it to D.C. as a Cabinet member. Your back hand swipe at him is, at the very least, typical of modern American Liberals. It doesn’t diminish your target and it doesn’t really benefit you.

Would it be smarmy of me to point out that Michelle Obama got a $200,000 annual raise – that’s $4,000 a week, every week – when her husband was elected to the United States Senate? Would it be smarmy of me to point out that her husband got a $1,000,000 earmark for her employer as soon as he got to Washington? Would it be smarmy of me to point out that when she moved to Washington her position was not filled?

Smarmy? Me? Never!

What did Joe do to piss off the pair of you?

You liked it when Senator Curley Biden – named after the smartest Stooge – talked about his blue collar roots. Biden’s blue collars are from Brooks Brothers and Ralph Lauren. Joe got his the old fashioned way: he earned them. No wonder he scared you. A real guy in the real world.

The only other parts of your article worth commenting on were “to invest in alternative energies”, “global warming”, and “smarts”.

If you had any “smarts” you couldn’t believe in “global warming”. If you want to “invest in alternative energies” try to get Bernie Madoff’s phone number.

Senator James Waldman

February 9, 2009

Senator James Waldman
4800 West Copans Road
Coconut Creek, Florida 33063

RE: Two serendipitous events in two days. A sign from above?

Senator Waldman,

“Lawrence of Arabia”, uncut, on Saturday afternoon.

“Boston Bans Cigarette Sales in Drug Stores” on Monday.

I include “Lawrence of Arabia” because I mentioned him to you in our phone conversation last month.

“Not much can be gained from a sure victory. Much can be gained from a sure defeat” was one of his maxims.

I include the story about Boston banning the sale of tobacco products in drug stores. [Boston banning books is verboten, no? Boston banning Camels is like not eating lettuce or boycotting Gallo in the ‘60s, right? I guess it depends on whose Gore is being oxed.]

Perhaps the synchronicity of man and moment is upon us. More precisely, on you.

Knowing of your deeply felt beliefs on smoking you have no choice but to introduce legislation to ban the sale of tobacco products in drug stores. Why not go one step further?

Why not introduce legislation banning the sale of all alcoholic beverages in drug stores as well? If I chain smoke 10 cigarettes I will make myself ill. If I binge drink 10 beers I can drive a car straight into a school bus. The immediate effects of smoking half a pack of Camels is that I will make myself sick. The immediate effects of drinking 10 Sierra Nevadas could be murder. It does not require 7 League Boots to jump that chasm.

Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Director of the Boston Public Health Commission, wants to ban the advertising of all tobacco products. That may cause some problems with curmudgeons who remember the First Amendment but the greater good – saving the people – outweighs the temporary inconvenience – Freedom of Speech – right?

“Smoke free laws protect people from exposure to a known carcinogen…”, said Cynthia Halle, Director of the Non-Smokers Rights Foundation.

I find it amusing when modern American Liberals wrestle with the Burkean conflict between freedom and order.

Because their response is situational and relative there is no clear clarion call in defense of rights. Thus, no credence is given to Natural Law, a right given to us “from beyond the stars”.

If the state has the right to protect us from 2nd or 3rd hand smoke would it not be Logical to assume that the state would protect a foetus in utero from the abortionist’s always fatal scythe?

Perhaps the above question is for a different time.

Perhaps not.

In any event I want you to know that you can count on me to be an ardent supporter of you and your bill to ban the sale of tobacco and alcohol from drug stores in Florida. I have some skills in communicating, particularly in print. I pledge that this skill will be available to you in this great Crusade.

We’ll meet on the barricades.

The Chicago Daleys

February 6, 2009

Big Dick – Little Dick
Maybe there are “second acts’ in American politics

He has a face that would make a bulldog mother proud. A few more months and he’s going to make his father, King Big Dick the First, look like Robert Redford. When all the poor Catholics in Cook County chip in to rebuild the burned cathedral and they will - where was Pastor Wright when the church was torched? – he will sit above the front door as Galoot, the Harumphing Gargoyle. He has a mug that resembles a 9 year old catcher’s mitt. His sagging jowls reveal the hiding place of all those cookies he snatched as a kid. King Little Dick the First can take it all. He reminds people of the Cheshire Cat. One of his boys is President of the United States.

The beauty of tradition, the sacredness of one generation nurturing the next in the majestic ways of their forebears, is made clear by the oleaginous arm of Chicago politics reaching into the White House.

If President Bambi were to nominate Ratso Rezko and Mel “Sweet Lips” Reynolds to positions of power it would come as no surprise. It would be rather welcome since there would be no surprises left. One would steal a hot stove and the other would hump a snake, particularly a young snake, if someone would hold its head.

When America’s sweetheart, Rahm Emanuel, opens an executive meeting in the White House with a prayer and an a cappella rendition of the official Chicago Fight Song, “Go Fuck Yourself”, he is paying homage to those who went before him.

He is channeling back – Didn’t Hillary do that in the White House to find out what Eleanor Roosevelt did when she caught FDR poking the secretaries? Amazing what handicapped people can do once they set their minds to it, right? – to King Big Dick the First and the “glory days” at the Democratic Convention at Chicago in 1968.

The first thing was the sad sight of gaggles of modern American Liberals trying to get their heads out of their neighbor’s ass because of …Vietnam.

They couldn’t blame Nixon because he wasn’t there when it started

Johnson’s War on Poverty was beginning to resemble Verdun or Stalingrad, Cannae for the purists among you. Each side was hoping that they had more bullets than the other had bodies. If only Johnson had said “I screwed up” the country would have rallied behind him and would have won at least one of the wars he got us into.

Instead we went 0 for 2.

What was the high point of the convention?

It was King Big Dick the First screaming at Senator Ribicoff [D – Conn]. There he was with all the cameras on him yelling “Fuck you, fuck you”. That was the money line of 1968. It wasn’t Khe Sanh or Victor Charley burying people alive at Hue or the US getting close to the moon or the Russians invading Czechoslovakia. It wasn’t even the arrival of Courtenay Chapman Smith. It was the head Dick in Cook County telling a United States Senator where to go and what to do when he got there.

Rahm didn’t get it from the crows. He got it from the same place that Governor Blago got it.

I can only wonder what King Little Dick the First sounds like in private. Based on his public statements – “Us and New York decided not to do that”, ‘that’ being the public disclosure of where he wants to spend all the loot coming his way from President Bambi, The Chosen One – he must sound like he was born and raised in Billingsgate.

Didn’t the best of us wet our pants when somebody misspelled potato a while back?

I cherish the memory of Big Dick leaning over the rostrum and telling Mike Royko that if he didn’t like the answer he could “kiss my ass”. None of that claptrap about “slippery slope” or “chilling effect” for him.

Where is Eliot Ness when we really need him? How about Judge Roy Bean?

Skip Gitmo. Send these guys to Abu Ghraib.

Robert Reich, Goldman School of Public policy

February 7, 2009

Robert Reich
Goldman School of Public policy
University of California
2607 Hearst Avenue
Berkeley, California 94720-7320

RE: “Unions Can Strengthen America” or so you say in this morning’s Miami Herald

Professor Reich,

First, you must tell me if Bill Clinton still makes jokes about you being vertically challenged. They were laugh out loud funny, weren’t they?

Second, and I suppose you never kept copies, but when you were Secretary of Labor – I will resist the overpowering urge to say something about the world’s tallest midget – I wrote to you several times asking but 2 questions.

#1 – Did you ever do any physical labor?
#2 – Did you ever belong to a union?

I did hear back from one of your deputy assistant under Secretaries in charge of answering literate cranks that it was the policy not to comment on request for personal information about the Secretary. Assuming that Qui tacet consentit has not been repealed it would be safe to assume that you never ever did any physical labor and that you never ever had to join a union. I say “had to” because the two unions I was a member of I “had to” join. So much for employee freedom of choice, even then.

Your article shows an astonishing level of ignorance which I must conclude is not invincible.

“Hint: Go back about 50 years, when America’s middle class
was expanding and the economy was soaring.”

I remember a Senator from Massachusetts running for President 50 years ago. He had two themes that he repeated over and over. Long before the mantra was “stay on message” he “stayed on message”. Those themes are:

#1 – There was a “Missile Gap” that he would close. Some things are owed to the ledger. If memory serves the President was Eisenhower. He led 10,000,000 men in combat. 11 months and 2 days after he invaded Europe Hitler ate his gun. Is it possible that this man would have let his country slip into mortal peril? I think not.

#2 – Senator Kennedy spent a lot of his father’s money trying to convince the country that he would get it “moving again”. His method of choice was tax cuts. Perhaps that’s why you choose to forget about them. Perhaps you want to be “the last guy in the room” when President Bambi makes his final choices about the economy. If the middle class and the economy were soaring you could whisper in his ear that the Eisenhower tax rates, the top rate being 90%, made it happen. “What is past is prologue”, right?

“In 1955, more than 1/3rd of Americans belonged to unions.”

Assuming your numbers are correct, an assumption that is difficult to hold since one of the common traits of modern American Liberals is that everything is relative. For example, shape the facts to the argument is fair game for people without regard for the “permanent things”. No modern American Liberal ever met something he didn’t want to change.

If you wanted to say that “in 1955 more than 1/3rd of American workers belonged to unions” you should have, you know what I’m saying, said it.

Plucking some inconvenient facts out of the memory hole we find that in 1962 President Kennedy declared war on U.S. Steel. He even ordered his brother, the Attorney General, to send the FBI out in the middle of the night to roust all the executives of U.S. Steel and tell those bastards that they shouldn’t raise the price of steel.

If you worked for any steel company in America and carried your lunch to work you were in a union. How many union members are employed in the steel business in America today? How many people are employed in the steel business in America today?

If you worked for any part of the Big 3 and you carried your lunch to work you belonged to the UAW. Tell me the last time the Big 3 hired anybody, union member or not?

I believe it was 1971 when the economy switched from capital goods – “metal bashing” as they say in England – to services. Semi-conductors, Peoples’ Express, Pizza Hut, time shares, inter alia.

In the 1980s the 30 members of the Dow Jones Industrial Average added zero net new jobs to the economy. Companies like EDS, Federal Express, ADP, Intel, Microsoft, and MCI and me began to employ millions. Alas, this proved not to be fertile ground for descendants of Joe Hill, the Wobblies, and the AFL-CIO.

The 1990s gave us the Internet. I must add that I will never be able to thank former Vice President Alpha Gump for inventing it. That plus using one of the great phrases of the Clinton years, “no controlling legal authority”, makes him tops in my book. Yahoo and Google. I just can’t see a Tony Provenzano, a union leader to whom I personally paid dues, getting a stronghold in those industries.

“In 2007, nearly 12,000 janitors in New England, represented
by the Service Employees International Union, won a
contract that raised their wages to $16 an hour.”

I don’t know if you ever mopped johns. I did. One of the benefits of mopping johns is that you decide early on that don’t ever want to mop johns again. Edmund Burke was right. “Experience is the only school at which some people will learn.”

The only place where unions have grown is in the public sector. “Close enough for government work” is still a valid judgment, isn’t it? Spare me the rhetorical incontinence of saying that government employees in unions are descended from Samuel Gompers.

Here are 2 prerequisites for becoming Secretary of Labor.

#1 – You have actually done something that can be called “labor”.
#2 –You have actually “met” a payroll for others who have labored for you.

Your brief bio says that you teach at the University of California at Berkeley.

See if you can find a book on Logic. You may want to take a peek at Grammar and Rhetoric. I hope I haven’t spoiled the discovery of the Trivium for you. I know that you have never seen it up close and personal before. If you have then your entire adult life is like a “whited sepulcher”, rife with intellectual fraud

If, as you say, 1/3rd of the American work force belonging to unions in the 1950s led to a time of prosperity and security unequaled since the 5 Emperors, can it also be said that the dynasties of the New York Yankees, the Cleveland Browns, and the Montreal Canadians came about because so many Americans were in the AFL-CIO?

Did all those union members in the glorious ‘50s cause Elvis Presley? Mark Rothko? Rogers and Hammerstein? The hula hoop?

In your odyssey into Logic you may wish to become familiar with post hoc ergo propter hoc.

It could save you from making errors like the big one that filled your article this morning. Too bad it can’t be used retroactively.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

VEEP “Joey” Biden

February 3, 2009

VEEP “Joey” Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500

VEEP Curley,.

You’re the gift that keeps on giving, like the Clap.

The swearing in of Hillary Clinton was beyond comment. Almost. That you are a Horse’s Ass of Homeric proportions there is no doubt. Must you prove it 3 or 4 times a week? Apparently you do. For that I am most grateful.

I’d like to see you and Clinton’s designated funeral goer, the immortal Alpha Gump, go mano a mano in a Celebrity Death Match to see who can say the dumbest things in the shortest time.

He has 8 years on you so the comparison may not be fair. Then again a lot of things aren’t fair.

Taxes aren’t fair.

If you are a modern American Liberal the solution is simple.

Don’t pay them.

The big guy, B.O. Plenty, told me that you will be the last guy in the room when he makes a big decision.

Alas, the reason will not be the one you had hoped for.

Since he is “smart and no fool” he will have sent you out to get the aisle stretcher or the steam bucket, anything to get you out of harm’s way, anything to keep you from interfering with the adults.

Doubtless you will have exited via the broom closet. There, totally lost, you will pretend to be Gus-Gus the Mouse. If you hear President Bambi say that he intends to bomb Pakistan jump out and yell “Another campaign promise kept” or “You da man”. Two might be too much for you to memorize. Pick one and stick with it.

Once you complete your training program, and Lord knows how we are all pulling for you, there are big things in store for you.

As soon as you figure out what to do with your thumbs you will have two new assignments.

#1 – Two car funerals
#2 – Wet dreams

In carefully selected focus groups whenever your picture is shown most people shout “What a putz”.

Not me.

You go guy!

Congressman Ron Klein

February 4, 2009

Congressman Ron Klein
800 East Broward Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: Exercising “moral authority”

Congressman Klein,

Last February you voted for a bill that would have outlawed “waterborarding”. Speaker Pelosi said “Failure to legally prohibit the use of waterboarding and other harsh techniques undermines our nation’s moral authority…”.

President Bush vetoed it.

There is a Democrat in the White House. Democrats control both Houses of Congress.

I know you plan to vote for it again,

Why don’t you introduce it?

After all, how many times do you get to support “moral authority”?

Senator Bill Nelson

February 4, 2009

Senator Bill Nelson
3416 South University Drive
Davie, Florida 32207

RE: Capitalist oil or Communist oil- What’s the difference?

Senator Nelson,

The Cubans are coming! The Cubans are coming! Only this time they are bringing the Chinese and the Indians [not the Comanches]

They just announced that they will begin drilling for oil by summertime, 2009. Since they are incapable of doing this themselves they have hired Chinese and Indian drilling companies to do it for them.

You have been adamantly opposed to drilling in American waters in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Cuba, a sovereign nation, will drill in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico within 50 miles of Florida’s most pristine beaches.

It would seem Logical to me that if Exxon or Chevron, both American companies, can’t drill there because of concerns for the environment then Cuba can’t drill there either. I have almost 20 years experience in drilling oil and gas wells. Things happen. Where Cuba will drill has the potential to foul both the Gulf and the Atlantic coasts of Florida.

In the end would not the United States Navy be the best way to enforce American wishes on an oil thirsty world?

If there is a reasonable alternative, one that has a chance of succeeding in keeping our shores pristine, could you share it with me?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Leonard Pitts, The Miami Herald

February 1, 2009

Leonard Pitts
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693

RE: “Why Politics Has Become So Destructive” –
Your achy breaky lachrymose comments about mean spirited guys, all of whom are Republicans, all of whom are mind numbed robots of Rush Limbaugh, saying nasty things about President Bambi and how that will hinder the recovery of the economy, increase Global Warming/Cooling, encourage teenage obesity, and continue the cycle of free men saying things freely.

Mr. Pitts,

Hillary Clinton was hired by the largest law firm in Little Rock when her husband was elected Attorney General of Arkansas.
Hillary Clinton was made a partner in the largest law firm in Little Rock when her husband was elected Governor of Arkansas.

Michelle Obama was given a $4,000 a week raise – that‘s a bit more than $200,000 a year – when her husband was elected to the United States Senate.
Her husband arranged for her employer to get a $1,000,000 earmark.
Michele Obama left her job. The position will not be refilled.

P.G. Wodehouse wrote that coincidences occur all the time like when you “find a trout in the milk”.

Have I “ravaged” anybody?

It’s been 6 days since an ice storm ravished Kentucky. Where the Hell is FEMA? Do you think it would be OK for a White singer to say that Barack Obama doesn’t like White people? If he were to say that would it be OK because that’s what a Black singer said about a White President?

You say that ravaging Obama because Bush was ravaged is wrong. Further, you say that such “childishness…becomes an intellectual strait jacket”.

I hate to disillusion you but since the election of 1800 that has been the American way. Ravaging, evil cartoons, vile rumors, half truths, and out and out lies have been the norm for elections in this country. H. Rap Brown, a 60s civil rights leader, said in a different context, it was as “American as apple pie”.

Free speech is meant to be sharp edged, rough edged, mean spirited, biting, nasty, not always 100% accurate, vituperative and ongoing.

We have a First Amendment that permits taxpayer subsidization of a play – Corpus Cristi – that says Jesus Christ was crucified because of a lovers’ quarrel. It seems that Jesus Christ and Judas Iscariot, homosexual lovers, had a spat. You know how they are. Things got out of hand and Jesus winds up nailed to a cross. “Free men speak with free tongues” is still a good thing, isn’t it?

Having gone through the whore house of Chicago politics, and if the official bio is to be believed, emerged as a virgin President B. Hussein Obama can stand a few sharp elbows.

I recall Mayor Daley the First, father of Mayor Daley the Second, leaning over a rostrum and interrupting a Mike Royko question with the charming rejoinder, “If you don’t like it you can kiss my ass”.

I think it was somebody from Chicago who said “politics ain’t beanbag”.

By the by, “I’ll ravage your guy because you ravaged my guy” predates your column by almost 25 centuries

The DWEMs [Dead White European Males] cobbled together something called the Trivium. 2/3rds of it - Logic and Rhetoric – sometimes overlap. The Romans identified mutual ravaging as tu qouque Poor Logic but effective Rhetoric.

PS – You mention “trillion dollar surpluses” as if they were real. If there were why did the national debt never ever go down by one dollar during the glorious Clinton years? You and your recently converted fellow ravagers, modern American Liberals all, say it far too often for it to be invincible ignorance. I haven’t ruled out the possibility that you are just a horse’s ass. You aren’t, are you? I like to think that deep down you know that Davis-Bacon is the most anti-ColoredNegroBlack legislation passed in the 20th century that is still on the books. “Those words mean exactly what I want them to mean”, said Alice.