Monday, March 22, 2010

Congressman Ron Klein

March 19, 2010

Congressman Ron Klein
1900 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431

RE: Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico – Cuba si, Yanqui no?

Congressman Klein,

Russia has signed a contract with Cuba to drill in the Gulf of Mexico. It is yet one more proof of the sheer incompetence of Jimmy Carter since he signed the agreement that allows this potential assault on our beaches.

You have opposed drilling in the Gulf by American companies.

Now what?

Should a spill occur on a Russian rig drilling in Cuban water, said spill despoiling Florida beaches, what recourse would we have? The Federal Courts? The United States Navy?

Why, if the need for Jobs, Jobs, Jobs is paramount why do we let Russians have them? What is wrong with American companies hiring American workers to drill in our waters? What’s wrong with the tax revenues that such activity would generate staying here? Since modern American Liberals think that taxes are like money from home what’s wrong with it really being from home?

This appears to be a week when Congress is determined to trash the Constitution, particularly the part about legislation. [Article 1, Section 7 – You may wish to familiarize yourself with it.] Ignorance of the law, the situationally ethical garment that shields modern American Liberals from the ravages of their conscience, is no excuse. I suggest that the official repeal of the Monroe Doctrine may be the only intellectually honest thing to come out of this Congress.

I pity Diogenes suddenly finding himself in Washington.

Kevin Smith

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