Monday, March 14, 2011

Gary Stein The Sun-Sentinel

March 9, 2011

Gary Stein
The Sun-Sentinel
200 E. Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

RE: “Loving Mom needs help, not prison” – Some comments on your column and some congratulations and Good Luck on your coming assignment.

Mr. Stein,

When you’re right, you’re right.

Tammy Kingkham protected her children as best as she could. She raised her two daughters for two years in a hand dug burrow under a playground on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale. [Would it be too sarcastic of me to point out that if she and her children were nesting turtles they would have spent the last two years in a condo on Las Olas Boulevard? It wouldn’t? Great.]

She should be the poster girl for “shovel ready” jobs. She did it without a shovel. Lord Barack the Beneficent should pardon her and… and…give her a shovel. Since the new buzz word, the word with gravitas, is infrastructure, give her a steam shovel.

As to her two daughters, some good may come from their “victims of life’s circumstances” plight.

Florida needs a state wide agency to protect families and children in distress. Why not have a contest for the name? What better way to show how good government can be? My choice is DCF. Department of Children and Families. Even the niggardly Republicans in the legislature would be in favor of it.

But that’s not why I write.

I’ve given up Little Stevie Goldstein for Lent. I’ve gone cold turkey. No patches, no hypnosis. Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. My only staff, as in staff and rod, will be T.S. Eliot.

You have become my default servee. My replacement piñata, if you will.

Florida is now #1 in two areas. We lead the nation in Oxycodone prescriptions, consumption, and in one or the few employment areas trending upward, resale. [Strange are the ways of “job creation” but the country needs all the good news it can get.]

The other #1 laurel is for impeached Federal Judges who get elected to Congress from a district that would elect O.J. Simpson., Michael Jackson, or a tooth fairy provided said fairy was Black. Should a new entrant appear and a tie breaker is needed for the Federal Judge/felon/Congressman category – Alcee Hastings is the only contestant - a sex scandal will be added for next year’s tournament. Talk about March Madness!

I want you to lead the press investigation, the outraged press investigation I add, into this.

If you need a template for the probe I suggest, respectfully, very respectfully, that you use the Clarence Thomas model.

You remember that one, don’t you?

No dudgeon is higher than that of an outraged modern American Liberal.

That was why it was OK to talk about pubic hair on Coke cans, King Dong movies, garbage can searches, hear say evidence, and what ever the lawn jockey Judge said was a lie because a brilliant Black law school teacher said he did it.

You won’t have to worry about the presumption of innocence with regards to Congressman Hastings. Nobody cared about that when Judge Thomas was in the crosshairs.

The governing principle is “Verdict first; then the trial”.

Don’t you miss the good old days?

I know that Stevie – Stevie the Wonder, to his best buds and BFF – would be on this like ugly on an ape.

Today you’re an understudy. Tomorrow you could be a star.

Kevin Smith

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