Thursday, March 3, 2011

Margaret Carlson Bloomberg News

February 26, 2011

Margaret Carlson
Bloomberg News
1399 New York Avenue
Washington, DC

RE: “As far as I know…” More about Lord Barack’s background from your column of 2/23/11.

Ms. Carlson,

Me again.

It seems just like yesterday that you called GIs serving overseas “tax cheats”. I promise that I won’t mention it today.

You say

“…And on the canard that Obama is secretly a Muslim: ‘The president says he
is a Christian. I accept him at his word.’[taking the president “at his word” is
code to Tea Partiers. It means ‘He’s a Muslim but there’s nothing I can do about it.’]”

I have an eclectic memory

I remember Hillary Clinton, responding to a question in the spring of 2008, saying “He’s not a Muslim…as far as I know.” “He” was Candidate Senator Barack Hussein Obama [D-IL]

Was Candidate Clinton, an admitted champion of channeling backwards to Eleanor Roosevelt, channeling forwards to the unborn, undreamed of, Tea Party?

Would it be appropriate for you to say, “She’s a liar”?

If you won’t I will. What’s the sense of being a founding member of the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy” if you can’t spread the truth while enjoying yourself?

Further in your opinion piece you make reference to Congressman Boehner’s “drinking”. Is it up to the high standards set by Congressman Mendel Rivers [D-SC] or Congressman Wilbur Mills [D-AR]?

No mention of members of Congress and drinking can pass without mentioning the Kennedy family.

March 17, 1966. Charley O’s Saloon. 48th Street and Rockefeller Center. Robert Kennedy bought a round for the house. Then he tried to beat the tab. I was there.

Tosspot Ted and his son Mumbles both thought there was no such thing as a large whisky. Teddy [D-MA] was an amiable drunk, often given to fits of hilarity and genuinely funny exchanges. His son was a bit of a shit whose innate meanness was made worse by alcohol or whatever was the White Rabbit of choice that day.

How does the Speaker measure up to the standards set by those 4 stalwarts?

I kept my promise, didn’t I?

I never mentioned your libel – Can I say “blood libel” without the Word Police coming after me? – about American military personnel, domiciled in Florida, serving overseas, being “tax cheats”, did I?

Kevin Smith

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