Monday, May 23, 2011

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

May 10, 2011

Congressperson Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: Poetry in motion – Why not Rod McKuen?

My dear Congressperson cum Chair,

You are probably not familiar with him but Alan Tate said that “when we argue with others we get Rhetoric; when we argue with ourselves we get Poetry”.

Although your CV says that you have two degrees in Political Science your public record indicates that robbing Peter to pay Paul – in your instance taking care of your husband’s business a la in the great modern American Liberal tradition of Broward County – is the driving force of your political existence. Having raised pandering to an art form your Party has rewarded you with a national audience.

Since you don’t know Political Science, since History is an alien subject you are probably deficient in the Poetry department.

That’s why it is possible that you don’t even know what is going on the White House in re Poetry.

Laura Bush tried to have a poetry session featuring the works of Emily Dickinson. Some of the invited guests said that they would disrupt it because of their opposition to her husband’s policies. It is not a big deal when modern American Liberals stifle speech. You sending the police after me for something that I had written is cut from the same cloth that allows purple shirted SEIU thugs to beat up old people in wheelchairs. When a Democratic legislator screams “You are fucking dead” to a Republican legislator it is further proof that acorns never fall far the tree.

The homily you preached to a grateful nation in January, the one about “bile and vitriol tearing us apart at the seams”, seems not to have reached the White House.

Mrs. Obama is having a poetry day at the White House.

One of the featured speakers will be Lonnie Rashid Lynn, AKA “Common”.

In one of his poems he praises killing of policemen.

In another one he recommends the assassination of President Bush by burning.

Whatever I wrote to or about you I never threatened you. I never wanted you “fucking dead”. I never wanted to “burn” you, even in a metaphorical sense. [Based on your public record you do a good job by yourself. Plus, your public utterances fall under the category of “She never lets you down”. Where could I get such material?]

A man who recommended the death of policemen in general and a specific President by name will shortly be in the White House reading his threats to a much large audience. Maybe we cold take the advice of another modern American Liberal, radio shock jock Mike Malloy, and get SEAL Team 6 to drop in on him and “double tap” him in the head. Nothing like some fireworks to get the party rolling, right?

It is ironic enough that perhaps a bard should comment on the lunacy of borrowing money from the Chinese to pay the expenses of listening to a man in the White House suggesting both unlimited murders and the assassination of a President.

I personally would give him the largest audience possible.

Your past record of selective prior restraint, perhaps best expressed by “There are no enemies on the Left”, would suggest that a collective blind eye is already blinking.

Kipling, Pound, Eliot, Yeats, Auden. There is a common thread.

Reading them aloud to a coven of modern American Liberals would be like throwing Dracula into Lake Holy Water.

Kevin Smith

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