Monday, April 29, 2013

April 26, 2013
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: How higher and higher taxes alone will save us from Muslim terrorists – Did I just repeat myself? – and the horrors of bullying. Some comments on your column in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel

My dear Professor,

You may be on to something what with the superb way public servants performed at this century’s version of the Boston Massacre.

It is obvious that these brave people rose to extraordinary heights in proportion to their increases in marginal tax rates, A reverse supply side, if you will. If I can find some way to get the words “exponential” and “retroactive” into the last sentence these boys in blue will be able to leap tall buildings AND rescue the Post Office and the Department of Motor Vehicles. After doing that by next Tuesday they will cure the 3 year backlog at the Veterans’ Administration. And then, G-d willing, we will all be farting through silk. Then they will make Johnny read and will get the Croats and the Serbs to stop feuding like the Hatfields and McCoys. After they do that they will make les merdes Quebecois behave nicely. If not nicely then at least not unnicely.

I wonder if any part of the Boston Marathon went through a “gun free” zone. If it did why didn’t it stop the crazed Jihadists? Is it a question of education or are we just “culturally arrogant”? If only we could reach out to these people. I mention this because, as a former resident of Hudson County, I recall with chest bursting pride when Hoboken, the home of Frank Sinatra and “On the Waterfront” declared itself to be a nuclear free zone. There was some confusion when community activists broke into the hospital and tried to steal the X-ray machines but the out-reach reach out program solved that. Don’t bother Googling it. I can tell you that for the last 28 years no nuclear weapons have been used in or around Hoboken.

Don’t you love it when good things happen to good people?

You committed an unintentional gaffe when you spoke the truth about the priapristic desire that sits caged in the heart of every modern American Liberal.

You write…

“We can do without the tea party/GOP
before we do without them.”
The Sun Sentinel

Since you are an alumnus and devoted zealot of the Professor Irwin Corey School of Reasoned Discourse I am not really sure what in the name of Strunck & White that sentence means. It seems to me that deep down, alongside your embarrassing shorts and curlies, you would looooooooove to have one party rule.

4th trimester abortion, Midnight Basketball, alternative shopping, no more veal, 105% tax rates, undrowned polar bears, all high school ball games ending in scoreless ties, manatee suffrage, “All them corn fields and Lenin at night”…all it would take is One Party.

You may wish to recall why the poet said the 1930s were “a low, dishonest decade”. At the beginning of it all modern American Liberals thought Mussolini had the right formula for enlightened governance. After all, he got the trains to run on time, didn’t he? It’s OK if you don’t believe me. Look it up.

Thomas Friedman, 3 time winner of the Pulitzer Prize from the New York Times, a laurel he shares proudly with Walter Duranty – Google him, please - and the head warlock of the ink stained wretches of the wing nut, “moon bat” battalion of modern American Liberalism, writes that a progressive carbon tax is the only way to honor the dead of the latest Boston Massacre.

That’s so Goddamned dumb it makes my hair hurt. If a school crossing guard were to say ca-ca like that you would Baker Act him into 2 weeks of Thorazine enemas while you tried to figure out if why his EEG looked like Death Valley. Not only is the emperor naked he couldn’t find his ass using both hands.

Much of Warrren Buffet’s speech about income tax rates and his secretary focused on the simple fact that she was paying a higher rate than he was.

Even though Mr.& Mrs. Barack Obama live rent free in the largest single occupant public housing project in Washington, even though dudes with Uzis mow his lawn, even though the only check he has picked up in 5 years is the golf shirt his soon to be steatyagonous wife got him for Ramadan, even though his kids go to private school – What the Hell is wrong with the really fine public schools in Washington? - in an Abrams tank, even though his kids go on spring break with almost as many armed men as those who invaded Vera Cruz, even though his mother-in-law is living rent free in the White House [Who pays for her meals?],…..Jeezus Haitch Keerist but that’s a lot of free stuff…. he paid taxes at the princely rate of 18%.

That ain’t fair.

Maybe for the Koch Brothers but not for a guy who wants to ”spread the wealth around”, remember? If you disagree send up a flare.


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