Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 26, 2013
Stephen L. Goldstein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: 2 Things plus an aside about your, as usual, upbeat Ulysses-like column about how a caring, sensitive, altruistic person can be a source for good in a world increasingly devoted to the pursuit of filthy lucre and the adoration of Mammon

My dear Professor,

The aside first.

Of the many characteristics that distinguish modern American Liberals from everyday folk, guys like me, for instance, is that they are genetically - I mean right down to the underside of the double helix coil, the place where the deoxyribonucleic acid “dies” that we may live – incapable of just disliking something. They, and you in particular, most hate, loathe, despise, insert own word, the du jour demonic enemy.

It, as your column says, is not possible just to criticize Ayn Rand. She is beyond contempt. She is noxious, toxic, and probably was a smoker. She ruined more lives than Senator McCarthy [Joe, not Gene] and J.Edgar Hoover combined. The world, according to doctrinaire modern American Liberals [as if there could be any other kind] would be better off if she could become retroactively anathema. Forget about burning her books. Dig her up and burn her just to be sure she’s dead. Then, burn her books and her memory.

[I conducted a secret poll of Broward County Randians,
both out and still closeted. One thing was unanimous.
Should Masterpiece Theatre, once Downton Abbey has run
Its course, do a reprise of her books you would be the perfect,
I mean the spot on, paradigmatic template of
Ellsworth Toohey.
Look him up.]

You begin your article about Connie Silver, a local artist who would be acceptable to the 1930s Politburo [a “low, dishonest decade”, remember?] She apparently possesses independent wealth sufficient enough to ease her conscience about the injustice of having it by giving it away. In that way she is like a modern day version of Andrew Carnegie.

Congressman Paul Ryan, and let it be said that he was at least as qualified as Congresswoman Geraldine Zucchini-Fellini to be Vice President, is your first example of greed gone wild, of heartless disregard of “hope and change”, and, I guess, good art.

As to the Koch Brothers….The last time I was in Wichita, Kansas there was a massive, and I mean massive, Calder mobile hanging in a public place due to the largess of, and may I say Thank God for the ego-driven “conspicuous consumption” of the aforementioned Koch Brothers.

By the by, do you know that they are in favor of same sex marriage? Look that one up also.

Can you not picture them in a different time commissioning Hayden? Encouraging the writing of The Aeneid? Helping a young Matisse or a Mark Rothko? I can picture them paying for a Frank Lloyd Wright house. I am sorry you can’t.

Can we stipulate that the “rule of de gustibus”, particularly when used by rich White guys, has produced more great art than any dozen Department of Art for the People can imagine? A picture of Beatrice Arthur standing stoically showing off her bodacious tatas sold for $1,800,000 this week. I mean we’re talking real sweater meat. Maybe it will cause a Summer of Recovery. It’s about time. Which is it? Art imitating life or the opposite?

#1 – “By 1981, her entire client group was made up of young men dying of AIDS.” 1981? Where? Which country?

Do you mean the AIDS “epidemic [And if it really was an “epidemic” what would you call the 1918/1919 flu deaths?] began during the Presidential term of Jimmy Carter?
Neither Tony Kushner nor Harvey Fierstein ever said that.

#2 – If you read Ayn Rand I’ll read….I’ll read….I’ll read….who is the modern American Liberal equivalent of her? Her works have been selling for more than 70 years. Her ideas, and may I use your column of Sunday, May 26, 2013 as an example, are being discussed since modern American Liberals listened to Uncle Joe and thought Hitler was an OK guy [8/22/39-6/21/41 - Look it up]

Speaking of helping the poor, Obama declared that the War on Terror was over this week. {I guess the two London born bug eyed apes didn’t get the memo] When will he declare an end to the War on Poverty, it being America’s longest running war? It’s in its 50th year.

Isn’t it time to call for a cease fire?

Get back to me, OK?


PS – If the Brothers Koch take over the Sun Sentinel you can count on me to put a good word in for you. What would I do without you? Besides, you’re cheaper than cocaine and less threatening than python wrestling. I’ll be there for you. Pure altruism. Don’t tell Ms.Rand.

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