Saturday, May 25, 2013

Miriam Oliphant

May 21, 2013
“What do you mean I’m ‘not in trouble’?
You have a badge and a fucking gun.
What do you mean I’m ‘not in trouble’”?
Some of you may remember Miriam Oliphant, Broward County’s dumber than a box of hammers Supervisor of Elections. One of the highlights of her term, other than being proof positive that Affirmative Action ain’t working, was when she got her boyfriend a job her getting her boyfriend a job at her bureau. His job was to see that the protocols for responding to a raid by Somali pirates or a nuclear attack were in place. Indoor work, no heavy lifting, good pay, great benefits including doing the horizontal tango with the Big Boss Lady gave new meaning to the term “boy toy”. It sure as Hell beat working for a living, particularly for someone not overburdened with ambition.

Common sense would dictate prudence on the part of the employee.

Not with this friggin’ moron.

His record of never arriving on time was offset by the fact that he usually got drunk at lunch.

He cut out the middle man by coming into work 2 hours late 2/3rds of the way down the chute. He gave new meaning to the term “Glassy-Eyed Pete”. He couldn’t count backwards from 10 because he couldn’t count backward from ten when he wasn’t loaded. He still holds the record for 40 ouncers in one afternoon.

I wrote to Supervisor Oliphant suggesting that this was no way to run an airline.

Knock, knock.

Broward Sheriff Office Detective Joe Kessling began the conversation by telling me that I was “not in trouble”.

He did have a badge and he did have a fucking gun.

I don’t know if the above should be filed under “slippery slope” or “chilling effect”.
Maybe it was the dreaded daily double of both that modern American Liberals delight in.
That’s the one that says “Free speech for me but not for thee”. With apologies to Orwell, “Some things, speech for example, are free. Some things, my speech for example, are freer than your speech”.

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, another favorite of the moon bat, wing nut modern American Liberal coven, the one that favors manatee suffrage and 4th trimester abortion, that runs Broward County, also sent the coppers after me. Agent Thomas and Agent Mineva, both members of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and surprisingly, both wearing badges and carrying fucking guns came to my house because I had written something less than complimentary to Little Debbie. It was the classic Hudson County, NJ good cop/bad cop routine. Thank God I was raised on the mean streets of Bayonne.

[There are similarities between the two chicks. Ms. Oliphant has a Master’s degree in some kind of educational specialty that is sneered at by educated, non-degreed people. The Educational cabal is filled with ohmadans who think pi means lunch. Little Debbie claims to have 2 degrees in Political Science from the University of Florida. She has no knowledge of “Free men speak with free tongues”. It is like saying she loves the cello but has never heard of Bach. Both have won my most prestigious award – SMARMY BASTARD OF THE YEAR – with Debbie winning it several times. Broward County is always a target rich environment, particularly for people who both revere and appreciate History and know that Logic is not a parabolic curve. At its core, practicing, card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberals are totalitarian, brown shirted, hob nail booted wanabee Nazis. It only takes watching one 90 year old nun get smacked for protesting in front of an abortion clinic to know that. Because I am not sure that Ms. Oliphant has ever heard of the Bill of Rights I can only say that I am positive that Debbie based on what she tried to do to me and others is opposed to all of it.]

Comes now the magic moment, the moment and we all knew IT could never happen here, when James Rosen of Fox News gets Big Brother interested in him. Rosen has the engaging look of someone who keeps his sardonic mien almost completely under control. Daily duels with dunces will do that to you. He tells you what he knows, not what he thinks.

The Department of Justice put a tail on him, a Sam Spade with a Federal badge, a gum shoe replete with electronic, digital, DNA, GPS and McGriff the Crime Dog tenacity, to see how he found out what he “knew” and who told him about the petty affronts to the Rule of Law that Modern American Liberals thrive on. Who the Hell did he think he was? Daniel Ellsberg?

“The wish of the Prince has the force of law”

morphs very quickly into

“Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest”?

To be continued…



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