Monday, May 4, 2015

May 1, 2015

Rick Sanchez
WIOD – 610AM
Miramar, FL 33025

RE: Adios, amigo! A bit too much redolence when “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” goes unchecked will drive rational people away

Mr. Sanchez,

The lead is in Spanish to show my sensitivity to the need for diversity and for the mandatory genuflection at the shrine of multi-culturalism.

In Spanish or in English this gringo is outta here.

At about 10:10 this morning you were conflating – great new word, huh? – the commentator on CNN and your ACELA Amtrak train ride.

ACELA is the high speed train that runs between Boston and Washington. Regardless of the direction the train must go through Baltimore. You said that the CNN commentator “knew” there would be “trouble’ there because he could see the blighted area when he rode the train.

You had just begun your frumpishly fustian polemic about the upper income, mostly White, commuters, doubtless card carrying members of the privileged 1% mover and shakers cabal, and how their callous indifference fed the flames of the urban thuggery, thugishness or whatever will soon be the politically correct synonym for the activities done by what used to be known as thugs.

Cato-like, I hit the off switch with a speed and ferocity that exceeded my minimum daily allowance for random carbon foot-printing.

I did this for a variety of reasons.

If you ever get involved with Al-Anon you will appreciate the universality of their mantra: You didn’t cause it and you can’t cure it.

Next up is a sum of money somewhere between $12,000,000,000,000 – that’s T, as in trillion – and $17,000,000,000,000, also T, as in  that this country has spent since 1964 on ‘it”. You may remember that Lyndon Johnson fought 2 wars. There is a wall in Washington marking the first one, the one in Vietnam. At least that one ended. The other one, the War on Poverty is now 51 years old. The “inconvenient truths”, the hard statistics, the objective indices, that caused him to give the “over the top” order are worse now than when he gave it. 

Having dug ditches in 3 countries I assure you with 100% metaphysical certitude that when you find out that you are digging a ditch on the wrong side of the road you stop digging.

Skip the good intentions, forget about the efforts of really good people who were/are/will be exceptional avatars of altruism, there are no success stories to be told. The alms givers did OK for themselves. 

Other than erecting “ a multitude of new offices, and send[ing] hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substance”, the only thing of lasting substance is a slough of despond that we have burdened our people with. 

The drought in California, partly caused by a mad scientist using taxpayer money to convince a nit-wit Judge that the inedible Delta Smelt is worthy of more protection than a farmer whose job is to feed people, is governmental lunacy on steroids. 

If a fully grown T-Rex mama were to appear outside Hammond, LA would she be granted protected status as she feasted on the nearest pre-school?

An argumentum ad absurdum writ large, I daresay tattooed, on the body politick. 

 I am not a heartless social Darwinist.  I am an Irish-Catholic, born and raised in Bayonne, NJ. Republicans had to get out of town by sundown. I had an uncle who, despite dying in 1956, voted Row A, the Regular Hudson County Democratic ticket, until he was stopped by a Federal Judge in 1971. 

I assure you my modern American Liberal credentials are in order. I even worked for 2 Democratic congressmen who went to prison.

The Hippocratic Oath demands that the physician “first, do no harm”. By our own hand, in election after election, we authorize yet more gasoline to be delivered to a fire that Mrs. O’Leary’s cow and Nero would have been proud. In fact, they would have been speechless

The sophistry of elected officials and pseudo-shamans who hector us on the virtues of arson, brigandry, and mayhem is contemptible. Worse, the bowel cleansing fear of being called a racist freezes any rational discussion of the rampant jackassery. 

I know that the patient is critical. I don’t know what the prescription should be. I know what it shouldn’t be.

Kevin Smith

PS – The Urban League did a commercial featuring a commuter train going through a riot ravaged Harlem. The White people kept their heads down. Malcolm X and James Baldwin told us of “the fire next time”. That was 50 years and 9 Presidents ago.

 Can I get my money back?

“He arado en el mar?”

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