Thursday, April 5, 2018

Fabiola Santiago Leonard Pitts The Miami Herald

April 2, 2018
Fabiola Santiago
Leonard Pitts
The Miami Herald

RE: You never let me down – Some comments on your so achingly predictable columns in Sunday’s Herald.

Why the both of you?


It’s been some time since I reached out to either of you so it was like the short story by Dostoevsky where the pensioner finds an extra almond in her tea cake and she praised the czar. It’s been some time also since I’ve hunted for Easter eggs but the joy of finding a duo quite as dynamic as you and your ideological buddy in yesterday’s paper, competing with each other to gain the moral high ground, that I donned my Easter bonnet today.

Pitts is easy. After 8 years of building a post-racial society, after 8 years of being “the ones we have waited for”, after 8 years of living under the firm but gentle, caring hands of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, he has reverted to form. And since the only tool he ever had was a hammer everything, and I mean everything, looks like a nail.

It rains too much? Race.
It rains too little? Race.
Flat tire? Race.
Acne? Race.
Tax cuts? Race.
Race? Race.

Watch out for your thumb. Pow!

As to Fabiola, my favorite Latina abuela semi-bruja, a bit more is required.

Her dudgeon – como se dice dudgeon en Espanol? -is raised to danger levels because Trump will do anything to “undermine the growth and vitality of minority communities”. I guess that means he is using Cesar Chavez, he of lettuce and grape boycott fame, as a role model. Chavez wanted armed guards at the border to keep illegals out. Look it up.

He turned out to be a real moon-bat, wing nut, didn’t he?

The re-inclusion of the citizenship Census question, a question that was on every census from 1830 to 2000, would suggest that Clinton, Truman, Roosevelt, and Wilson were racists, right? As a matter of fact, and if we are to believe Justice Thurgood Marshall, Wilson was the most bigoted, racist President of the 20th century. Did I mention that they were all Democrats? You knew that, didn’t you?

I have to get back to my manatee traps. I was shut out yesterday but I still have many sushi orders to fill for Earth Day celebrations. I can’t tell you how pleased I am that the Slope space station didn’t fall on us. Can I praise Trump for that?


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