Thursday, April 5, 2018

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel

April 5, 2018
Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

RE: Patton got his first blooding chasing Pancho Villa back into Mexico. Precedent?

Ms. O’Hara,

President Trump, il magnifico, to his multitudinously multiplying myriad admirers, has ordered the National Guard and certain Army units to the borders of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California to repel the possible invasion from Mexico.

In so doing he is fulfilling his sworn duty under the Constitution – vide Article 4, Section 4 which says in a most unequivocal way, in a way undisturbed by adjectival  interference  “….and shall protect each of them [the states] from invasion”. [We’ll deal avec les merdes du Quebec at our convenience.]

He is also following the precedent set by President Bush 43 and President Obama, both of whom sent troops to our southern borders. Lest we forget, President Eisenhower sent the 101st Airborne Division, the Screaming Eagles, the Band of Brothers, if you will, to Little Rock in 1956 to enforce a court order issued by a Federal Judge. In addition to re-establishing the primacy of Federal law over state law, it stamped out the Dracula-like renascence of the Theory of Nullification. That theory was thought to have been nullified by the deaths of up to 700,000 Americans in a full and frank discussion that began at Ft. Sumter in 1861 and ended at Appomattox in 1865. Rumor has it that it is coming back yet again. Can you believe that? I can’t either.

An American President, Grover Cleveland, ordered the American Army in 1894 to deliver the mail, said mail being undelivered because of the Pullman Strike. Enforcing a Federal Court order. General Miles broke the strike and caused the mail to be delivered. He wired the White House to tell the President that the mail was being delivered but that some strikers were killed. The President wired back asking him if “he had killed enough”.

I offer this for your editorial consideration.

 Since we are still in the holy charism of the Easter Season it can be considered as an act of Christian Charity. It could be that rarest of God’s creatures, both a spiritual and a corporal work of mercy. And no, I can’t spare my copy of the Baltimore Catechism #2. Get your own.

From a logistical standpoint you wouldn’t have to kill too many. A mile or two of camoed Hum-Vees with a Ma Deuce mounted on each of them – Ma Deuce is GI lingo for the Browning ,50 caliber machine gun. – should do the trick. A few synchronized bursts should hit the spot, so to speak. To keep the Air Force happy, we’ll have a wing of “Warthogs” – A10s to the uninitiated – traversing the border where the incursion is most likely to occur. Using its 30-millimeter Gatling gun, the one firing uranium depleted slugs that shot the shit out of Iraqi armor, it shouldn’t take more than 50 or 60 blown apart braceros to discourage the rest from registering as Democratic voters. The others, being duly encouraged, will hot foot it back to the Panama Canal.

Lord Fisher, Admiral of the Fleet – “Jackie” to his boss, Churchill – said, somewhat ironically, at The Hague Peace Conference in 1899.

“Kick your enemy when he is down.
 Strike him in the belly.
Boil your prisoners in oil.
 Torture and mutilate his women and children.
…. Then people will leave you alone.”

The century-old Pax Britannica still had 15 years to run.

As the noted New York Democratic politician Mario Procacino once said, “It grows on you, like a cancer.”

Kevin Smith

PS – As a deplorably literate curmudgeon I rise in defense of Wide-Bottomed Hillary. If modern American Liberal talking heads could talk about Paula Jones’s less than comely nose I can talk about Hillary’s affection for and imitation of Oliver Hardy’s backside. Please let her keep talking. Encourage her. Give her a platform. She’s like herpes. A gift that keeps on giving. I would hate like Hell to find out that notorious Koch Brothers, with their oceans of “dark money”, unlike the clean swag from George Soros, are funding her. She’s good for my damaged kidney. She makes me want to pee from laughing without using my stent. 

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