Wednesday, May 30, 2018

May 27, 2018 Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor The Sun Sentinel

May 27, 2018

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Campaign contributions, the First Amendment, and the oh so typical modern American Liberal high dudgeon enclosed in the essential “non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” BOX without which all Sentinel editorial writers would cease to exist because of the burdensome weight of tautologies. And all in one editorial.

Ms. O’Hara,

The immediate solution of Publix giving money to a candidate not of your choosing is simple, direct, and obvious.

Stop going to Publix and start going to – ugh! – Winn Dixie. Even worse, go to Walmart. [A brief digression – Did Walmart become bad when Mrs. Clinton left the Board to pursue a career in real estate and cattle futures or was it bad ab ovum?]

It is my belief, buttressed by Milton Friedman, that the goal of any corporation is to make as much money as they can so they can return it to the stakeholders. They can do with it what they want, it being their money, right? They can give it to candidates they favor or they can buy beach front property despite the daily Jeremiads of wing-nut, “moon bat” eco-boobs, or they can finance the renascence of “Midnight Basketball”, or they can throw it off the Back of a moving train. 

God Bless Tom Steyer, the Koch Brothers, George Soros, and Sheldon Adelson. If want to commit suicide jump off their wallets. Any of them. By hook or be crook they got theirs and since it is theirs they have the right, a gift from beyond the stars, to spend it any way they want

[I’ll bet you didn’t know that Steyer made some of his billions selling dirty coal to the Chinese and Indians. The coal he sold to the “lesser breeds” is coal that could not be burned legally in any state in this union. Then, having made his bundle, he came to know the Baby Jesus of life without plastic and electricity, and how Trump bombed Pearl Harbor, shot Kennedy, and put fix in on the Jets/Colts Super Bowl. And that was before he found out that Trump favors teenage bullying and orders steak well-done.]

How they cam by it is not germane. It’s theirs. How they spend it is their business. The Friedman Rule, cited above, applies to them. If they believe in manatee suffrage, bazookas for teachers, free stuff for everybody, public executions, no wire hangars ever, affirmative action for NAMBLAphiles, Gorilla Glue, duct tape, and 10 penny nails for the lips, mouth, and tongue of David “Little Boss” Hogg.

Lines from the ‘60s still ring true.

Your rights end where my nose begins
You can wear your hair down to the floor.
Just keep it out of my soup.

The 2nd Amendment will work itself out. Why do modern American Liberals hate the First Amendment?

“Free men speak with free tongues”

Kevin Smith

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