Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Altaf Ali, CAIR of Broward County

January 4, 2009

Altaf Ali
CAIR of Broward County
900 SW 86th Avenue
Pembroke Pines, Florida 33025

RE: Free speech, hate speech, and can I exercise either in Mecca?

Mr. Ali,

As my friend, the legendary Big Mike from Bayonne, the noted restaurateur and sportsman always says, “What a country!”

A funny thing happened in the race for lions and lambs to overcome their Historical imperatives. Better still, it happened in Fort Lauderdale.

The poet said, “After the first death there are no others”. This does not imply moral equivalence between enemies. It would be like saying that the viper, the biter, and the victim, the bitee, are equal. It states, in the starkest of terms, “that only the dead have seen the end of war”.

With the nods having been made to the rhetorically incontinent purveyors of pabulum – perhaps caca would be a better way of putting it - who focus on something called the “peace process”, let’s talk about what happened in Fort Lauderdale last week.

Somebody shot up a mosque in South Florida last week. You said it was a “hate crime”. No one knows who shot up the mosque. I know that the Sunnis and the Shias have not gotten along for about 14 centuries. I know that neither of them likes the Kurds. I know that before your religion, a religion that I am told is peace loving, was less than a hundred years old it had conquered Spain and Portugal and was half way across France Maybe one of your enemies did it. I don’t know if it would still qualify as a hate crime if that were the case. It would still be a crime.

Laying aside the grievances of both sides in the ongoing Israeli/Palestinian conflict there is one concrete truth in it. If you kick the big dog enough he is going to bite your ass off. There appears to be a huge supply of young men desiring to be martyrs for Allah. The Israelis seem to be willing to accommodate them. An American President was once advised of the results of a military action. He wired back asking, “Have you killed enough?”

[As an aside, and perhaps as a hint of where you should direct your efforts, this bothers many American Jews. It is well to note that Kumbaya is high, very high, on the list of songs every young Cantor must know.]

Some 50 supporters of Israel stood in front of the very large Baptist church on the corner of Broward Boulevard and NE 3rd Street. Across the street from them were some 250 supporters of the Gazanians standing in front of the Federal Courthouse

I heard one of the young ladies supporting the Gazanians shouting “Fuck Israel”, “Nuke Israel”, and “Jews to the ovens”.

Some other facts are necessary to complete this tableau.

#1 – She had nail polish and make up, a lot of make up, on. I say this because some of your co-religionists, the Taliban in Afghanistan, would discourage the use of nail polish by pulling out the finger nails of any woman wearing it. They also outlawed whistling and balloons. Nice people
#2 – She wore neither a burqa nor a catcher’s mask. I have seen both on Muslim women in foreign countries. They look great. Not here.

In World War 1 the Supreme Court of the United States held that “prior restraint” could not be used to stop the publication of a German language newspaper. At that time the United States was fighting Germany.

In World War 2 the Supreme Court of the United States held that not saying the Pledge of Allegiance was a constitutionally protected right under two parts of the First Amendment. [You may wish to become a bit more familiar with the First Amendment. In fact, while you’re at it, read the rest of them.]

There is a certain amount of irony – I don’t know if irony is permitted under Sharia law – in that the Israeli supporters, presumably Jews, were vigorously protesting in front of a Baptist church while the irenic Islamists were protesting just as vigorously in front of a Federal Courthouse.

Vigorous public protesting is a tradition and custom protected by Law in this country. This country permits blasphemy. This country uses tax dollars to support it. There may be a country that is ruled by Muslims that has such a tradition. I am not aware of it. If there is one could you tell what its name is?

Although it is unknown who shot at the mosque let us assume that it was a hate crime. I don’t know whether there is a “hate crime” squad of super cops. If there is it should be dispatched to investigate immediately.

Is “Fuck Israel”, “Nuke Israel”, and “Jews to the ovens” a hate crime? If it is there is video tape of this young woman committing it. There will be no need to conduct a far reaching investigation. How many foul mouthed, heavily made up Muslim girls are there in Broward County?

Should I decide to burn an American flag could there be a better place to do it than the steps of the Federal Courthouse that protected the Muslim protestors?

Should I decide to burn a Bible to protest religion could there be a better place to do it than the steps of the Baptist church?

Should I decide to burn a Koran to protest the hate crime of the above named Muslim slattern where do you think would be the best place to do it? If the fire got out of hand would it be OK to urinate on it to protect innocent bystanders?

Big Mike would end by saying, “That’s why you never see anybody swimming to Cuba”. For you he would say, “That’s why you never see anybody swimming to Yemen.”

PS – Almost 14 centuries after Christ Dante wrote The Divine Comedy. 14 centuries after Muhammed is there any chance of an Islamic La Commedia?


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