Monday, March 2, 2009

Eliott Rodriguez & Al Sunshine, Channel 4 News

February 27, 2009

Eliott Rodriguez & Al Sunshine
Channel 4 News
8900 NW 18th Terrace
Doral, Florida 33172

RE: A twin double!

R & S,

It is so seldom that I see such a pair of horses’ asses as you two were last night that I was taken aback.

Your comments about the banks – “I’d like to hold a hammer over them” and “Bankruptcy Judges should be able to change mortgage contracts” – border on the outer edges of lunacy, of madness. I hold no brief for any financial institution that has a policy of selling umbrellas until it starts to rain and then demands them back. As someone who is perpetually in “disfavor with fortune and men’s eyes” I am not of the landed gentry. I own no bank stock.

I do know that if you give a Judge the right to alter a contract unilaterally it is inimical to the Rule of Law. Absent that and people behave like six cats in a bag.

What if another Federal Judge decides that the interest rate – to be precise it is the discount rate - on T-Bills is too high? What if he decided, the precedent being set in the Bankruptcy Court, to lower it? Do you think that the Chinese might not like that?

What if, as the Great Rush just said, if another Federal Judge decided to stop car repossessions because he was compassionate and kind? [That could hit the banks AND the car companies at the same time. Talk about a Twin Double!]

“This country is planted thick with laws from coast to coast.
If you cut them down to get at the Devil where would you hide,
The laws all being flat, when he turned on you?”

Thus I bestow on you, the both of you, a rare honor.

Eliott Rodriguez is a


Al Sunshine is a


Wear your laurels proudly.

You got them the old fashioned way.


PS – There is an article in today’s business section of the Miami Herald about television news being irrelevant. Gee. Where would that idea come from?

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