Sunday, November 29, 2009

Beth Reinhard The Miami Herald

November 28, 2009

Beth Reinhard
The Miami Herald
One Herald Plaza
Miami, Florida 33132-1693

RE: Eureka! One more glass ceiling for the ladies to crash through. How about your daughters? A comment on your column in today’s Miami Herald.

Ms. Reinhard,

First, I say to you that my gratitude is limitless. You managed to get through an entire column without mentioning Broward’s leading goniff, Scott Rothstein. He was turning up in stories about the weather and race results. I hope you started a trend.

Second, you mention, in typical modern American Liberal mode, the man-made obstacles the today’s chicks face in getting through the glass ceiling. You mention several ladies who are vying for state wide office in a misogynistic world filled with despoilers of bearded clams. It is irrelevant if they are qualified for public office. Lord knows that the males aren’t. It is just that they must first cut their way through the testosterone aura that evil males have put in their way. God bless them.

Third, you speak with proper maternal pride of your daughters. You use their asking if they can live in the White House as a metaphor for hope and change.

Some old soldier [male] said “Audas, audas”. Audacity is not limited to Chicago community organizers. There is a glass ceiling your daughters can crash through.

It can be seen form the White House.

Arlington Cemetery.

If ever there were a male only institution that needs to be opened for the girls this is it. The ladies have a 135 year numerical imbalance to overcome. Shall we have a special “set aside section” for them?

Get them cracking.

Kevin Smith

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