Friday, June 4, 2010

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

June 3, 2010

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
10100 Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, FL 33026

RE: Shades of Boadicea! The female is the deadliest of the species. Some comments on your radio bit this morning about Israel. Who knew that your role model was Vercengetorix? Plus, what’s that smell?

My dear Congressperson,

In the interests of full disclosure I must tell you that I am not a Jew. The Man who founded my Church was. That, plus the fact that the Athens/Jerusalem nexus became the basis, the warp and the woof, the DNA of Western Civilization, automatically predisposes me to the defense of Israel. If we add Rome, 1215, 1688, and the exceptional American experience of 1787 to the pot we have a Western Canon worth defending. I know that you claim 2 degrees in Political Science so these terms and dates should not be foreign to you.

Unlike President Clinton I will make no claims as to my willingness to jump into a bunker should Israel be threatened. I must add that if I were to find myself in a bunker looking at some charging virgin lusting Mahdi men I would know that the sharp end of the cartridge goes up the spout first. The only sharp end that Clinton used was of a more up close and personal nature. I must add that I would not be a candidate for the soon to be announced “Courageous Restraint” medal. [As an aside, today is the anniversary of my last gun fight but that’s a different story.]

If there is one good thing to come out of the ship incident it will be that it puts to rest the claim that all Jews are “smart”. Whoever ordered the first wave of Israeli SEALS to rappel onto the deck of a moving ship filled with people who have sworn to obliterate their country will not be on the short list for MENSA. Those men went because they were part of something greater than themselves. The words Duty, Honor, Country have never had a sweeter sound. They sound good even if a Klezmer accompanies them. The men who sent them should be flogged.

It has been revealed that Barack Obama’s best buds from Chicago, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, helped to organize the so called Peace Flotilla that tried to invade Israel. Two years ago, Congressman Robert Wexler, AKA “Toad”, went to every shul in South Florida – an amazing geographical achievement considering that he hadn’t been in Florida in 8 years, remember? - proclaiming that Barack Obama was a true friend of Israel. Oy! With friends like that who needs enemies? Is it possible that American Jews have voted for the end of Israel? And we get to have our own Death Panels!

Eric Hoffer and Herman Kahn – Phone home. Please.

Would it be a political stretch to say that what is good policy for Israel securing and defending its borders can scarce be folly in defending ours? One of the hallmarks of a sovereign nation is that it sets the terms and conditions for getting into its territory.

How about waterboarding some of the leaders of the bad guys? Trying to get into a country that doesn’t want you can lead to some drastic measures. Following your Logic it is irrelevant if the name is Pancho or Abdul.

As soon as Camp Gitmo is emptied out maybe we can lease it to the Israelis.

Walls work in keeping people out of a country. Vide China and Rome. Perhaps if we were to shoot the next 9 people trying to break into our country it would give the others pause.

We owe so much to Israel. Our laws, our religion, and now, an effective border policy.


Kevin Smith

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