Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jimmy Cefalo WIOD – 610, Part 2

February 16, 2011

Jimmy Cefalo
WIOD – 610
7601 Riviera Drive
Miramar, FL 33022

RE: Two tutorials in one day – Aren’t you the lucky one?


What the Hell is so difficult in cutting the Federal budget?

Herewith some suggestions.

#1 – We have 50,000 troops in Germany. Why? We beat the Krauts, remember? i Bring our soldiers home. Now.
#2 – NATO. Trust me. The Russians will not be pouring through the Fulda Gap in a race to the coast. Shut it down. Now.
#3 – Crop prices are at all time high. If the farmers aren’t farting through silk now they never will. Shut down the Department of Agriculture. Now.
#4 – Send up a flare the next time, strike that, the first time the Department of Energy produces one barrel of oil, one ton of coal, or one kilowatt of electricity. Shut it down. Now.
#5 – Johnny couldn’t read in 1978. The Department of Education was “created” to help him read. Johnny still can’t read. Whatever they are doing isn’t working. Shut it down. Now.
#6 – If you can find out what the Department of Commerce does let me know. Speaker Pelosi – Don’t you miss her? One more face lift and she’d be peeing through her navel – said, “Pass Obamacare so we could find out what’s in it”. Shut the joint down. See if anybody notices.
#6 – The Post Office is the paradigmatic template for both SNAFU and FUBAR. Give half of it to UPS. Give the other half to FED-EX. Now. How much worse can it be?
#7 – I think “Corpus Cristi” is a terrible play. I love “Elmo”. Why should tax money be used to subsidize them? Stop Federal funding. Now.

Lest you think I am not aware of the revenue side of the equation here are my suggestions for “enhancement”.

#1 – Why should the country have to share the burden of owning a home? Cancel the tax deduction for local real estate taxes. Now
#2 – If Broward County residents want to build manatee rehab centers let them. Don’t ask the people of Winona, MN or Allen, TX to pay for part of it. Make the interest paid on municipal bonds taxable. Now.
#3 – Let’s see how charitable people are. Stop the Federal deduction for charitable contributions. Now.
#4 – Why should unlimited procreation be subsidized by the Federal taxpayer? Limit the tax deduction for children to 2.8 children per couple. Now.
#5 – The Death Tax, the Estate Tax, whatever it’s called, must be strengthened. In the case of the Kennedy family it should be 105%. It should be retroactive. Why should the swag stolen by an anti-Semitic bootlegger be allowed to influence America after 3 generations? Justice Holmes said “Three generations of idiots are enough” in voting in favor of involuntary sterilization. 3 generations of toss pot philandering Boob McNutts are enough. Shut it down. Now.
#6 – In 2007 Senator Reid said, “The war is lost”. Alas, he was talking about the wrong war. “Surges” work. Ask Sherman. Ask Pershing. Ask Patton. The war he should have been talking about is the “war” on drugs. Let’s have an immediate cease fire followed by a complete stand down. Whisky is taxed. Why not drugs?
#7 – Lyndon Johnson declared “war” on poverty in 1964. It was like the British Army attacking 5 miles of machine guns on the first day of the Battle of the Somme. The guns win. The guns always win. 47 years later poverty has “won”. Stop fighting. Now.

Less money out; more money in.



Uncle Wong would approve.

Kevin Smith

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