Thursday, September 13, 2012

Allah Ain't So Great

September 12, 2012
Some thoughts in re the killing of an American Ambassador in Libya
The Prince asked his most trusted advisor – How old is the word consigliere? – if it were better for a ruler to be loved or feared. “Feared”, he answered. “The people may yet come to love you.”
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Freedom of Speech, a Right of ours from birth, a Right of ours “from beyond the stars”, a Right of ours that maybe doesn’t travel as well as we wish for it to, is part of the warp and woof of the Western Canon. An individual, however low his state or condition, can defy the King and deny him entrance to his “ruined tenement”. Further, he can shake his fist at him and tell him so.
In our country this Freedom has affirmed the right of Nazis to march through Skokie, IL shouting Todt Juden at Holocaust survivors.
In our country this freedom has forced taxpayers to subsidize a play by the name of Corpus Cristi. It has a simple enough plot. Jesus Christ and Judas Iscariot were homosexual lovers. They had a lovers’ quarrel that led Judas to drop a dime on Jesus. It got a bit out of hand and the Romans crucified him.
225 years the magnificent words “Congress shall make no law” began the text of the First Amendment. It only applies to governments. Chick-fil-a and the New York Times can say whatever they want. Their customers, not some mind numbed factotum from the Department of Truth, will be the judge and jury. Their decision will be the only one that counts.
A word or two more about context.
In 732 AD [ACE is the new secular humanist term for insuring that we don’t confuse the Battle of Tours with the founding of Rome. That would be BCE, neither of which I will define or use.] Muslim hordes were halfway across France before Charles Martel, AKA The Hammer, crushed them. If Islam is such a peace loving religion what were its votaries doing there, it being less than 100 years after its founding?
The Battle of Taranto – October 7, 1571 – is remembered as the day when greatly outnumbered Christian navies crushed sea going Muslim hordes. What did they have in mind?
In 1683 Muslim hordes were at the Gates of Vienna. If they won, if they had conquered the city, what would have become of Bach? Speaking of Bach, can anyone Barack Aquinas whose works are still awaiting discovery? Is there a Hussein Shakespeare somewhere who will burst upon the world stage where a Keats will hail him? Other than the moon and the 2 stars [I saw them this year. Nice.] announcing the start of Ramadan what else has the planetarium of Islam told us? Is there Muslim penicillin that is being kept off the market by evil Western drug companies? In fact, the only medical advance that is wholly attributable to Muslim culture is the recycling of the bottoms of Coca-Cola bottles into emergency cliteroidectomy scalpels, there being no G-spots in Muslim countries.
An American author, Naomi Wolf, has published a book with the distinctly non-Muslim title “Vagina”. Maybe there are no vaginas in countries ruled be Sharia law. What will be the response in the Muslim world when they find out about this? How will the Arab man in the street react Maybe that’s why “Dancing Boys” is the fastest growing industry in the Muslim world.
The planes that were flown into buildings 11 years ago were built where?
Here’s a hint.
Boeing does not have a plant in Kafiristan.

13 centuries after Christ was born La Commedia was published. Its opening line, “Halfway through my journey I found myself in the dark wood of error”, challenged the very foundations of everyday life in the Western world. The word Dantesque still means over the top descriptions of horror and indescribable sin and punishment. It is still being read.

A strong case can be made that Mohammed was a goat humping pedophile.

There are more Christians in the world than there Muslims. There were no uprisings in America let alone in the non-Christian world when Corpus Cristi appeared. Justice Holmes was right when he said “We must have room for what we hate”. That is a sentence that cannot be translated into Arabic.

I don’t know if the 12 minute homemade movie, the one that casts a bad light on Mohammed, says that Moe was a goat humping pedophile or a walker on the wild side. He was or he wasn’t. Either side can be presented and defended. People died because of it. So much for the Land of Milk and Honey into which the Arab Spring was supposed to lead us.

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz said that Congresswoman Giffords was shot because of Rush Limbaugh and talk radio. I think it is safe to assume that the EIB network has no outlets in either Benghazi or Bizerte. The American Ambassador died because of something that may have been said 7,000 miles away?

I guess that’s worse than saying that Jesus Christ, a man that more than a billion people believe was the Son of God, was cruising the Hershey Highway before he was crucified and rose 3 days later.

Poetic license perhaps.

Perhaps a reasonable man would say that reason does not work with thugs. What does work – Tours, Taranto, Vienna – is a two by four across the bridge of the nose.

The Democratic Party in convention last week booed God, forgot about Jerusalem, and, in a film clip honoring the American military, showed 4 Russian ships as if no one would notice.

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Touch me not with impunity!

Surely the response must be disproportionate to the crime. Bomb the bastards. Bury their dead in pig skins. Drop bacon fat on their mosques.

Lest we forget balloons and whistling were crimes under the Taliban. Girls wearing nail polish had their finger nails pulled out.

Maybe Allah ain’t so akbar.

I suggest that Obama has become Jimmy Carter. The only difference is that Carter took better care of his brother. He put Billy in front of a few money making deals. One of them was shilling for Moamar Khadafi, the head thug in Libya. Now he’s just one more WOG enjoying his dirt nap. I say different because Obama’s brother still lives in a mud hut in Nairobi. I never thought a “shovel ready” job in the ongoing Summer of Recovery would keep a roof over a homeless guy in Nairobi.

I hope that never changes.

Kevin Smith

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