Monday, September 17, 2012

Leonard Pitts, Jr. The Miami Herald

September 16, 2012
Leonard Pitts, Jr.
The Miami Herald

RE: A brief explanation of how we came to a place in our History that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff calls an American citizen in Florida and asks him not to do something that is legal. Some comments on your column about touchy Moslems and dead Americans in today’s Miami Herald.

Mr. Pitts,

I said “brief”. Buckle up. The centuries are going to fly by.

25 centuries ago a Greek, a wounded veteran, said “Free men speak with free tongues”. Medes and/or Persians – I never can keep them straight – thought that was a bad idea so they tried to kill them. It was a “damned close run thing” but it didn’t work out. You may wish to familiarize yourself with Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, and Platea. It is well to note that these places became killing grounds, abattoirs where men having sniffed freedom would die to keep it, 1000 years before Mohammed, and blessed be his name despite his fondness for goats and young boys, started his “peace loving” religion.

Speaking of “peace loving”, what in the name of Allah, the big mahac of peace, were his votaries doing half way across Europe less than 100 years after the founding of his tent show? Let it be noted that Charles Martel, AKA The Hammer, was a big time bellicose Frog who stopped them at Tours in 732. If he hadn’t they would still be eating with their fingers in Helsinki and hogs would have been extinct for at least 13 centuries.

About 1000 years ago the Sunnis, the Shias, the Hanafis, the Wasabis, and various Wanabees began to eat their seed corn. That is to say, they turned inward.

They decided that all matters to be decided had been decided.

Would it make me a hate-filled curmudgeon to point out that they missed the fun and games that Runnymede was to produce? The Renaissance? Ptolemy being displaced? Men telling the King to bug off? Fughedaboutit!

13 centuries after Christ’s time on earth La Commedia appeared. 13 centuries after Mohammed’s time on earth and we have people being filleted in the street because of a cartoon. That there was no Islamic Divine Comedy meant there wouldn’t be any 95 theses nailed to the big Mosque after Friday prayers.

Please don’t spoil it for me by telling me that the hidden Islamic literary lock-box is not just empty but that it is non-existent.

Having skipped the literary revolution they also skipped the political and scientific ones also.

Lord knows what their “doctors” did before the invention of Coca-Cola bottles. The bottoms were used to make pre-pubescent cliteroidectomies so much easier. I love recycling, don’t you? Score one for the scientific method and rationality.

Lepanto in 1571. Vienna in 1683. Look them up. What would have happened if the “good guys” hadn’t won?

Would I be able to listen to Mozart, as I am now, if some blood thirsty “Death to the Infidels” emir had become King of Vienna?

It is not a question of why we got Shakespeare, Locke, Burke, Madison, and Twain. The question must always be why didn’t they.

If it weren’t for oil the whole joint would look like Mars, or worse, Eritrea.

You write, and there is much merit in your argument, that we should treat them as evil tempered whelps. Your example, 2 whining brats in the back seat, is apt. How about its Logical conclusion? Is “Spare the rod and spoil the child” still not a valid tool in child rearing?

If, as I said, all things to be decided have been decided, why would there be a need for Freedom of Speech? [That it is a right we have from birth, that it is a right “from beyond the stars”, is not in question. I am speaking of a culture that has outlawed whistling and balloons.]

American taxpayers have subsidized an art exhibit featuring a clear plastic container containing urine in which a crucifix is hung. It is called “Piss Christ”. Tell me what would have happened if it were called. “Piss Mohammed”?

American taxpayers have subsidized a play whose theme is that a homosexual lovers’ quarrel led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is called “Corpus Cristi”. Tell me what would have happened is it were called “Corpus Allah”?

What do all the terrorists in the 21st century have in common?

They were all, every one of them, young Muslim men who shouted Allah Akbar before they killed Americans. Do you think those 72 infidel virgins were worth it?

General Martin Dempsey, a native of Bayonne, NJ, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, calls a law abiding American citizen living in Florida and asks him not to do something that is legal and, in many instances, considered heroic. What is wrong with that sentence?

I mentioned Bayonne because the proper response from a resident of the Queen City of the East to the phone call from Leon Panetta “requesting” him to place the call should have been “Shove the phone up your ass”.

Men can dress up as Nazis and shout “Todt Juden” in a neighborhood filled with old Jews who side stepped a one way ticket to the ovens.

Some people are free but some people are more free than others?

Would it be OK for me to burn a Koran – and why is the damned thing almost always called the sacred Koran? The bible is older. Shouldn’t it be awarded sacred status too? – if I wrapped it in an American flag? How about if I kept a bucket of piss nearby should the fire get out of hand? Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression, no? I am covered on 2 fronts, yes?

I only have 25 centuries to go on but I think we can stipulate to one thing. Apologies don’t work with these murdering WOGS.

Am I still “free” to say that?


PS – Should it turn out that the murdered American Ambassador was homosexual wouldn’t that make his death a hate crime? The thought of Barney Frank and Rosie O’Donnell leading Seal Team 6 & ½ into the holy city of Qom would make it all worthwhile. Perhaps a sequel to The Laramie Project could be The Benghazi Project? Drat! I just remembered. There are no homosexuals in Muslim countries.

Am I still free to say that?

Speaking of “stupid films”, have you ever seen “Ishtar”? How about “Sicko”?

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