Saturday, September 21, 2013

September 18, 2013
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 South Capitol ST. SE
Washington, DC 20003

RE: What made him do it?

My dear Congresschickie,

When Congresswoman Giffords was shot you said that Rush Limbaugh was responsible for it.

It is manifestly owed to the ledger to report that the United States Attorney, a man appointed by a Democratic President [and a man who enjoined us never to bring a knife to a gun fight] could not prosecute the shooter because –A- he could not understand the charges against him and – B- he could not assist in his own defense.

That’s legal shorthand for he has snakes for brains.

[It must be noted that the same impediments did not prevent the Clintons from trying, convicting, and executing Ricky Ray Rector. Look it up. Never let the Rule of Law interfere with a good crisis.]

Doubtless, you will soon uncover evidence that Vlad Cheney, the Koch brothers, and the still blood thirsty ghost of Joe McCarthy made a Black Buddhist – a new minority, particularly those who are crazier than liquored up loons, worthy of Affirmative Action,? – shoot those people in Washington.

Coupled with the vile effects of the evil sequestration, piled on top of the consequences of a non-progressive tax code, egged on by Global Warming deniers who react tumescently to polar bear drownings, drowning in a tsunami of homophobia, whipped up like Dervish on speed by the hated Tea Party, he had no choice but to “kill those pain in the ass innocent by-standers”.

I never realized how easy it is to be a modern American Liberal.

Kevin Smith

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