Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 2, 2013
Dana Milbank
Washington Post Writers’ Group
1150 15th Street
Washington, DC 20071

RE: Turning lower case censorship by the Obama White House into a recruiting tool for the D.C. coven of ink stained modern American Liberal wretches. Some comments on your revelation of the real tragedy in Obama treating the White House press corps - or is that corpse, as in Marine Corpse or Peace Corpse? – as the ass kissing lackeys that they are.

Mr. Milbank.

It has been said that you can pick your friends, that you can pick your nose, but you shouldn’t pick your friend’s nose.

Maybe President B. O. doesn’t want to be tin-typed doing a digital proboscis probe on his new best friend.

It’s OK with me or, to paraphrase Curley Biden, the year’s poster boy for Hire the Handicapped, “It’s no big fucking deal”.

But in praising with oh so gentle chastisement in re the White House acting like a politburo apparatchik in training you have fulfilled your annual public act of obeisance to the holy church of modern American Liberalism.

“I doubt the White House is heavily doctoring photos. But
there are birther types out there accusing the White House
of superimposing Obama into places where he wasn’t.
Why give them ammunition?”
The Washington Post
[Italics mine]

Perhaps you could give us a tutorial on how much doctoring is allowable before we get into slippery slope territory with its concomitant chilling effect syndrome.

It’s a bit like Dan Rather saying just “Don’t worry about the facts being false. Concentrate on the story.”

There is an air of virginity about any White House, particularly in matters of freedom. “Once broken, never mended”, like the Dude, still abides. The current White House press room resembles a strip mall Motel 6 French Knocking Shoppe that demands that blame be equally divided between the pitcher and the catcher. Never were supposedly sacred things given up so willingly. With regard to the Dear Leader President you bum kissers wouldn’t say shit if you had a mouthful. [That is turned form the lips of Haji Bashir. As Mayor Emanuel still says, “Never let a bad word go to waste.”]

Instead of whining about “Nixon-like tactics” you closed you closed your eyes and issued a minor league Jeremiad about giving tea bagging, gun loving, climate change denying Tea Party churls who think that Obama blew up the World Trade Center to burn his Kenyan birth certificate ammunition.

Great job, you turd.

In fact, your work has not gone unnoticed.

I am the owner in fee and the sole grantor of the following awards:



And the most coveted of them all…


I am pleased to announce that you have won all three.

4 years of a much anticipated but never realized Summer of Recovery have reduced the prize to an all expense week end at Camp Gitmo, America’s first adult sleep away camp in the Caribbean.

The only supervised activity will be you logging on to HealthCare.Gov and volunteering to be on a Death Panel.

The spirit of Walter Duranty and Janice Cook lives in America’s press rooms.

Kevin Smith

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