Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 6, 2014
Fred Grimm
The Miami Herald

RE: Is there no limit to how far the rich White Republicans will go to keep the undeserving poor, victims of life’s circumstances, those poor souls who were/are/will be “unlucky in life’s lottery” from voting? A comment or two on your high dudgeoned account of the unfairness of it all, particularly when it comes to voting.

Mr. Grimm,

I had an uncle in Jersey City, NJ who died in 1956 and voted until 1971 when, and do I have to tell you that the Judge was appointed by Eisenhower, he was disenfranchised by a Federal Judge.

Governor Brendan Byrne, a former neighbor of mine in West Orange, NJ got off one of his favorite lines at his 90th birthday dinner. “”When I die bury me in Hudson County so I can continue to participate in the political process.”

I was born and raised in Bayonne, NJ.

I thought the whole world knew about street money, palm cards, bullet voting, graveyard registrations and ballot boxes that went walkabout until the down state vote came in.

True to my roots, I got 6 as in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 voter ID cards in the glorious reign of Miriam Oliphant, Broward County Elections Supervisor. [She was so dumb she made you try to find a bayonet so you could sit on it, anything to drown her out. I hope I can mention that she was Black without having the dreaded Word Police visit me as they did when she was in office because of something I wrote.] I know the big question is whether or not I used them. If asked officially I shall invoke the Lois Lerner defense.

It’s worked for her so far.

This year I am building up a treasure trove of absentee ballots. Quien sabe as to my intentions.

See you at the recount.

Kevin Smith

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