Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9, 2014
Leonard Pitts, Jr.
The Miami Herald
3511 91st Avenue
Miami, FL 33172

RE: Who says Latin is dead? “Quis custodes ipsos custodiet” is back, this time with a vengeance. Some comments on typical unlinkable caterwauling column on how bad life is in Amerika.

Mr. Pitts.

I consider it a day without sunshine if I can’t pull a gem from one of your screeds.

Today produced a pearl of precious price, a stone the size of a plover’s egg.

In its entirety…

“Consider what billionaire Tom Perkins said in February:
‘Only taxpayers should have the right to vote and
the rich should have more votes.’”
The Miami Herald
Page 11 A

#1 - Thank you for reminding me of Lani Guinier. You remember her, don’t you? She was a lawyer in the Clinton White House until Czarina Hillary said “Okie dokie, artichokie” to her. That was the inside baseball, dog whistle buzz word for her defenestration. [God’s Holy Trousers but I love that word, particularly when it is used correctly.]

Her crime was to advance the notion that Blacks in America should have more than one vote to make up for past discrimination. There is a certain Logic there. I suppose the term reverse Affirmative Action on steroids would suffice

The really fun part of this was when the President of the United States, Handsome Billy from Hot Springs, said that although he had known her for more than 20 years, even though he had been a guest at her wedding, even though he had hired her to work at the friggin’ White House he had never read anything she had written.

The impromptu press conference was interrupted by an F-16 whoosh as Ms. Guinier was flung violently through the White House attic window.

No mention of Lani Guinier would be complete without saying that she was the paradigmatic template for modern American Liberal pulchritude until the Medusa-coiffed Debbie Wasserman-Schultz came along. The two of them would cause “Gibraltar to crumble”.

It was outrageous that the outrage scale kept and calibrated by modern American Liberals judged this to be a non-event.

You may recall that Anita Hill, another lawyer who was a woman of color, was accorded a far different treatment because her alleged evil-doer was not only a Republican but a Black Republican to boot.

You do remember all of the above, don’t you?

Call me if you need clarification.

` #2 – The other thing is simple.

Why do you oppose George Soros being able to spend his own money on things that he believes in?

Tom Steyer, a newly minted, self-made billionaire, wants to spend his money saving drowning polar bears. He believes that coal, oil, and gas are malum per se. He also believes that fracking is the work of the Devil. [Full disclosure: I fracked my first well in January, 1974]

Why can’t they spend their own money? The words, “Congress shall make no law…” are majestic in their simplicity. Put differently, and paraphrasing Juvenal, another DWEM, who died and left you King?

#3 – What about inherited wealth?

In the ‘20s and ‘30s Poppa Joe Kennedy set records for philandering and plundering. He raised the stealing of hot stoves and the plucking of dead men’s eyes for grapes to an art form. He was the gold standard. [That he was anti-Semitic fan of Hitler is a subject for a different forum]

When Senator Lard Kennedy’s will went into probate the main asset was a trust created for him by his father in 1936.

Such was the size of his pelf that it now allows the 4th generation of dilettantes and toss-pots to hurl themselves into the public arena. Is it conceivable that any of these layabouts would be anything but persistent public nuisances save for Grandpa’s ill-gotten and IRS protected gains?

You say earlier in your dry-heave declaiming of the unfairness of it all, particularly since it falls disproportionately hard on minorities and women, many of whom are inner city single moms that a meeting will be held in June “to eliminate the influence of big money in politics”.

I can save the air fare.

Anything political, Pro Life or Pro Death, taxes are too low or taxes are too high, guns should be outlawed or bazookas should be mandatory, manatee suffrage, Save Tibet or Don’t Save Tibet, changing pi to 3.0 to raise teenagers’ self-esteem by making it easier to pass Geometry, should every NBA team have a fat, slow White guy as the 6th man…important stuff like that must pass the Emperor Pitts/John Rawls test.

Will it help the little guy, the wretched of the earth, the perpetual victims of life’s circumstances?

I did say that one of the constant requirements of being a card carrying communicant in the church of modern American Liberalism is to be a Stage 4 host of “terminal non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome”, didn’t I?


Kevin Smith

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