Wednesday, January 13, 2016

January 12, 2016

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Democratic National Committee
430 South Capitol Street Southwest
Washington, DC 20003

My dear Congresswoman,

Chain yourself to your desk!
Go on a hunger strike!
Pee in your pants!
Shave your head!

Feel free to use my name in any way that you think will most help you stay in power. Who could be better than you to speak for the moon-bat, wing nut modern American Liberals who want to repeal all the laws governing gravity?

Most importantly, what would I do without you?

As a bonus I am throwing in a History lesson.

One of the things that are a constant source of amazement to the people who know that “stones are hard and water is wet” is the ability of modern American Liberals to pirouette 180 on matters of public policy, of personal belief, or anything. The Defense of Marriage Act, the vote on the Iraq war are but 2 examples. 

Here’s a better one: the outrage at Civil War monuments.

I think General Sherman should have duplicated the Roman method for finally settling the problem with Carthage. They leveled it. Then they salted the earth so nothing could grow or live there. Rome was never bothered by Carthage again. He should have left Charleston, South Carolina in a smoldering heap where not 3 bricks would be in line. That was where the war started. For almost four years they never tasted battle. All the bleeding and dying was 500 miles away. He should have put the PAID stamp on that bill.

Let me add that I have had a relative at Gettysburg since July 2, 1863. He sleeps there “still wrapped in his faded coat of Blue”.

It’s over. The swords have been returned to their scabbards. Let the dead, regardless of their uniforms, sleep in peace.

If you need some retroactive outrage, “eclectic indignation” if you will, I suggest that Hillary Clinton renounce the Margaret Sanger Lifetime Achievement Award that Planned Parenthood gave her 3 years ago. The reasons now are obvious.
Racism was the least of her sins. She almost succeeded in making Woodrow Wilson into a model for race relations. [You may recall that Justice Marshall said he was “the most racist, most bigoted President ever”. World War 1 and his promise to “never send American boys to fight in foreign wars notwithstanding, he never directly killed anyone. Did I mention that Wilson was a Democrat?]

Margaret Sanger was the biggest personal murderer in the 20th century.

She took Wilson’s vile bigotry to its Logical conclusion. 

As a eugenicist and a fervent supporter of selective breeding she fought to use the abortions of Black women as a means of “culling the herd” and keeping America safe from the ravages of the “lesser breeds”.

Honest Injun. You could look it up.

But wait. There’s more.

So persuasive were her efforts, so convincing were her arguments that many Europeans took up her cause. A charismatic, clean, and articulate community activist in Germany spoke highly of her. In fact, when it came time to write the 1934 Nuremberg Race Laws Adolph Hitler used her writings and experience to help him.

The only other Americans that Hitler had such positive thoughts about were Ambassador Joe Kennedy and Charles Lindbergh.

Honest Injun. You could look it up.

Can you imagine the positive uproar when Hillary Clinton denounces Hitler and tosses her Margaret Sanger trophy into an environmentally sensitive recycling center? I can. 

That’s my tip for the day.

Meanwhile, don’t let the wankering wowsers get you down. 

If Bernie gets the nod would you want to be Vice President? 

Your pal,

Kevin Smith

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