Monday, January 25, 2016

January 24, 2016
Michael Mayo
The Sun Sentinel

RE: Voting

Mr. Mayo,

You get to medium dudgeon in your column about double dip voting in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.

#1 – I had an uncle in jersey City, NJ who was so fond of voting that he didn’t let his death in 1956 stop him from being a registered Democrat who never missed an election whether it was a primary, local, state or national until 1971 when a Federal Judge removed his name form the active voting rolls.

#2 – On a lark, with a bit of whimsy and mirth tossed in, and as a way to honor my DNA as a true son of Hudson County I got 6 voter ID cards under the watchful eye of Miriam Oliphant, the deposed Broward voting boss.

#3 – You continue the modern American Liberal shibboleth about the Presidential election of 2000, George W. Bush became President for a variety of reasons.

A – If Gore had carried Tennessee, his home state, he would not have needed Florida’s electoral votes and he would have been President. Honest. Look it up.
B – The Supreme Court vote that made Bush President was 7 to 2. The vote to accept the case was 5 to 4. If Judge Bork had been confirmed he would have voted against taking the case and Gore would have been President.

Life’s a bitch or hoist on your own modern American Liberal petard. Pick one. Pick both.

Kevin Smith


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