Monday, May 16, 2016

May 14, 2016
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE” “Chops” and Project Innocence and yes, there is a connection

Big Stein,

You recently wrote that Hillary Clinton, a former Goldwater Girl and a lady who heretofore has given shrieking banshees – as if there were any other kind – and howling hectoring hecates a bad name has the “chops” required to be President.

Naturally, when someone of your stature makes such a gravity defying statement I, as a devout follower of reasoned discourse and critical enquiry have no choice but to re-examine my opinion of her.  

I have come to some conclusions that I want to share with you.

#1 – She flunked the DC Bar exam, a virtually impossible thing to do in 1970.
#2 – She was an assistant counsel to the House Committee to impeach Nixon. There is no doubt that she was fired. The reasons after all those years are still clouded in the obfuscatory persiflage of which modern American Liberals are justifiably proud.
#3 – She was hired by the largest law firm in Little Rock. It is akin to being the tallest midget in Arkansas. It is an inconvenient fact that she was hired by the firm just after her husband was elected as the Attorney General of Arkansas is a coincidence. It’s like when you “find a trout in your milk”.
#4 – No glass ceiling for her! She went through it like a bat out of Hell. It was as if her ample ass was welded to a JATO-assisted broom stick. She became a partner just after her husband was elected Governor. Don’t you like it when good things happen to good people? I do. You go, girl!
#5 – She turned $1,000 into $100,00 in one month by reading the pre-Murdoch Wall Street Journal and following the investment advice of her wily commodities broker, a chap with the decidedly Dickens-Faulknerian caconym of Red Bone. It is understood that should the Gods wish to punish us more by making her President his investment philosophy will become the 5th Gospel at both the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve.
#6 – As bad as Whitewater was she made it unconscionably worse by using a time sales contract with its dreaded “Rule of 78” language. A mortgage is the usual instrument used to construct the financing the real property. The one thing the mortgage guarantees is that if it goes into foreclosure you will have a chance to tell it to a judge. At that point something called due process kicks in. If you miss but one payment on a time sales contract someone can come to your double wide or RV and take back the bass boat or the stereo or the Mossberg 12 gauge – some caution is needed with the last item on the repo man’s list – without telling you. Rich White lawyers from the largest law firm in Little Rock figured that the dentally challenged, blue collared red necked Yahoos who were buying these lots wouldn’t much notice the difference.
#7 – Would you think me a cad if I were to suggest that Hillary became a Director of The Country’s Best Yogurt and then Walmart, both domestic Arkansas companies, because her husband was the Governor of Arkansas? I hope not.
#8 – Chicken or egg? Did Walmart become “bad” when she was a Director or when she resigned?
#9 –The only criminal case she ever tried was defending an accused rapist. She “won” in part by destroying the 13 year old girl’s reputation.  
#10 – Ricky Ray Rector deserves his own chapter. She would have given him a lap dance to keep him from noticing that he was being strapped into “Old Sparky”, the ultimate hot seat in Razorback country. By the time he was executed he had an IQ of about 55. That’s a good number when you’re driving but not when you are being sacrificed to show that a modern American Liberal politician could be tough on crime. Hey! You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs, right? I guess this was one Black life that didn’t matter. I guess I forgot to mention that he was Black. Sorry about that. Please tell me if you were retroactively opposed to that execution.

And I’m only up to 1990.

Please tell me it gets better after that. If you can’t perhaps you may wish to redefine “chops”


PS – As to Project Innocence….It is a group that wishes to overturn death sentences, even if it is done posthumously. Since your silence on whether Eichmann should have been executed implies that your blanket condemnation of death penalties has one exception, The Latin adage “qui tacet consentit” applies. Whichever side of the death penalty you occupy it can be stipulated that they all began with an act of violence. Since 1973 we have had at least 60,000,000 abortions. It is owed to the ledger to report that between 35% and 40% of them have been performed on Black women. Al Sharpton has no concern for them. Neither did Thurgood Marshall when he was alive. Maybe you could help. Doesn’t Saint Hillary have campaign signs saying she’s fighting for us? Maybe you could get Little Stein, the perpetual student, involved in this. It sure beats installing urinals in the Ladies’ Loo.

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