Monday, May 17, 2010


May 13, 2010

700 W. Washington St.
P.O. Box 6222
Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222

R: What to do about Arizona

Dear Head NCAA Dude,

It seems to me that if Arizona wants to be mean and nasty to people coming into their state that turnabout would be fair play.

How about you ban all NCAA member schools in Arizona from playing any other NCAA schools in any other state? The ASU and the U of A football teams can play each other home and home all season. The same for basketball, baseball, golf, bullfighting, and margarita making teams.

War is too important a thing to be left to the generals.

Sport is too important a thing to be left to the schools particularly when such important matters as a nation’s sovereignty and the Rule of Law are at stake.

If that doesn’t work the next step would be to ban any athletes from Arizona playing for any out of state school belonging to the NCAA.

If that doesn’t work we can have drive-by shootings.

Logically, the floggings will continue until they get their heads straight.

Kevin Smith

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