Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Douglas C. Lyons, Senior Editorial Writer The Sun-Sentinel

September 11, 2010

Douglas C. Lyons, Senior Editorial Writer
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: “We can’t lose belief in tolerance” – Why we always need a new lamb every evening when the lion decides to bed down. Some comments on your column on the need for still more cheeks to turn.

Mr. Lyons,

You say, with a bit more hint of smarmy snideness than necessary, that the hick pastor from outside Gainesville, and to the delight of all modern American Liberals straight from central casting as to what hick pastors from outside Gainesville should look and sound like, that a “sign from God” would be most welcome.

I don’t suppose “chickens coming home to roost”, a memorable phrase from Reverend Wright, a phrase that parishioner Obama never heard, could substitute for “a burning bush” or “a blurb on Sarah Palin’s Facebook page”.

Tolerance is a relative thing.

When a gang of turbaned thugs saw, not chop, saw the head off of Daniel Pearl did Americans burn down any embassies of Muslim countries? While they were sawing they were shouting “Allah Akbar”. Did Americans burn down any mosques here?

Speaking of tolerance when a dozen naked men masturbate in front of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate Gay Pride did any closeted latent heterosexuals fire bomb Fire Island?

How “tolerant” was the Muslim murderer who sliced and diced Theo van Gogh into Dutch sushi for suggesting that maybe Allah wasn’t so Akbar and that maybe Muhammed spent some time shagging sheep? If the Frogs could make a sit down sized Cuisinart guess who buy them?

There is an inherent contradiction in saying that 50,000 GIs in Iraq and 80,000 in Afghanistan would be in double jeopardy should a sacred, holy Koran be burned. As long as they remember to put the sharp end up the breech first they’ be in no worse shape next week that they were last week.

“Who steals my purse steals trash…” could be followed by “Who burns my sacred, holy Koran burns trash…” If the words in the sacred, holy Koran are true burning the book that contains them can do no harm. Alas, Islam is a religion – Insert “one of the world’s great religions” and/or “a religion of peace” – that has permitted no internal criticism in 1000 years. External criticism is dealt with a ferocity unseen since Tours. Lepanto, or Vienna.

These people announce that if we don’t bow down they will kill us. The have been doing this for almost 15 centuries. 600 years ago they said that they would stable their horses in the Saint Peter’s Basilica. They use poison gas on each other. Flying an airplane into a building gets them an unlimited pass to a Knocking Shoppe filled with infidel virgins.

May I suggest if burning a holy, sacred Koran can cause the Rockies to crumble and Gibraltar to tumble that we use a bit of trickeration? Get a sacred, holy Koran. Put a wrapper on it that says Christian bible. Put it in a microwave on high for 60 seconds. A win/win all around!

Would it be intolerant of me to say that there is no more tolerant place on earth than America? It’s been some time since doing the horizontal nasty with someone other than your spouse led to stoning the chick. The idea of slicing the pudenda off of prepubescent girls probably won’t gain traction here. We ended slavery 145 years ago. The descendants of the Muslim slave traders still have slavery in 5 countries run by Sharia law.

After outlawing balloons and whistling why do I feel that multiculturalism and diversity will not be the order of the day should Abou bin Adhem get the whip hand anywhere?

How are the plans for the shul in Mecca coming along? Should the Baptist church be built first? Will there be a Gay outreach centre in Medina?

Not all of us live in a country determined to drink the toxic Kool-Aid. Not all of us will hand these rapeful demons a sharpened knife and then ask them to like us.

Sometimes it takes a hick preacher to make modern American Liberals uncomfortable. I love to see what the boys and girls with the knotted knickers say when their Kumbaya certitudes are made to stand upside down.

God Bless him.

Kevin Smith

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