Sunday, March 18, 2012

Gary Stein The Sun Sentinel

March 18, 2012
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Quaff deeply of the Pierian spring” - Some comments on the abuses inflicted on Logic in your column this day.

Big Stein,

Logic is most certainly the keystone to the Trivium. Thus, it became a spring board that propelled man into something called Western Civilization, but you knew that, didn’t you?

It is also a discipline.

It is not a parabolic curve.

“Because I am a nice guy I will keep this simple.” In your case I’ll type very slowly. Listen up.

Logic is the antidote to fallacious thinking.

Long before there were fuzzy minded modern American Liberals, people who substitute feelings for ideas, it was the antidote to Sophists who specialized in rabble rousing shibboleths to keep the ubermenschen in charge of the untermenschen. Its DNA leads straight to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who begins each day by saying the best way to make Americans free is to make them less free. That’s as good a reason as I can figure out for why she sent agents of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, men with badges and guns, after me for something I wrote.

Chief among the fallacies is “post hoc propter ergo hoc”. After this because of this is profoundly offensive to Logic. Alas, it is the basis for all legislation proposed by today’s barbarians, the Democratic Party. Gosh, but I sure hope that changes.

Anyway, “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing”. That plus “experience is the only school where some people will learn” should, Logically, cause the light bulb to go on.

Silly me. Logic to a modern American Liberal is like a mongoose to a cobra.


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