Friday, January 17, 2014

January 16, 2014
Congressman Hakeem Jeffries
55 Hanson Place #603
Brooklyn, NY 11217

RE: Speech – Some comments on your proposal to muzzle speech that you find offensive.

Congressman Jeffries,

Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. Who in the name of Nat Hentoff gave you the right to tell me what I can say? When was the power to decide who gets to say what bestowed on you? And by whom?

“Fuck you” was the standard SEIU greeting to Republican members of the Wisconsin legislature who were debating whether or not the union – perhaps better described as a cabal of thugs - was subject to the laws of gravity. [Ask your wife]

“Hooked nose diamond merchants” was the term used by the Reverend Al Sharpton – And exactly where is his parish and which divinity school was he graduated from? – to describe non-Gentile purveyors of precious stones.

Would you classify either of the above as “hate speech”? If you do what would be your remedy? Fines? Jail time? Having their lips Gorilla Glued shut?

I guess you missed the section on the First Amendment in your Constitutional Law class at NYU Law School.

In the soon to be released “Free Speech for Dummies”– Particularly poltroonish politicians who are world class horses’ asses– there is a whole chapter given over to just 5 words.

“Congress shall make no law…”

The First Amendment protects offensive speakers. It does not protect offended listeners.

Chew on that for a while, you putz.

Kevin Smith

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