Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 16, 2015
I miss Max Katz.
He was a dear friend who, when I called him in time of need, didn’t say “What happened”? He asked, “How much”?
Max was the prototypical, caricature, “stiff necked” American Jew. He was loud, a bit crass, overbearing, a natural if Hard Core Pawn is casting for new managers…Can you see where I am going here? One of his lasting legacies is that his hair became famous when Kramer starred in Seinfeld

I say that because if he had been sitting across the table from Jimmy Carter, the cloying, meaner than cat shit, snaggle-toothed failed peanut farmer – he had a brother, a true red necked goober, who worked for Qadaffi, remember? – who went on to be the worst President of the 20th century, I would be raising money for his defense fund. Max would have kicked him in the ass so hard that he would have had to take his shoes off and his socks down to take a dump.
Carter was given a typical modern American Liberal puff ball question by Jon Stewart, who used to be a Jew – Does Obama care cover circumcision reversals? – about feral Islamic thugs killing people who suggest that Little Moe was a goat humping pedophile. I wonder what they would have done if the touchy subject of “Dancing Boys” had been raised. Thank God for Google!
Carter, a man who wet his pants in fear of a deadly bunny attack, a man for whom “Amazing Grace” is like tinkling brass, said, “The Jews made them do it, particularly the uppity ones. The Boko Haram kidnapping of 300 teenage girls was a result of Global Warming. GW was caused by Zionist bankers who always make a buck. Sundry beheadings, various crucifixions, lashings, stonings – all the good stuff – have come about because the Israelis will no longer get quietly on the express train to Auschwitz.
A quick History lesson is needed.
In 732 AD, less than a century after Islam, a religion of peace, was founded they were half across France en route to taking over Europe. They were detoured at Tours by Charles Martel who convinced them by force of arms to get the Hell out.
In 1571 they were going to invade Italy. One of their promises was to stable their horses in the Vatican. A group of determined Venetians were able to convince the survivors to return to Turkey after an exchange of views at Lepanto on October 7.
In 1683 these killers were at the gates of Vienna. Jan Sobieski, King of Poland and Lithuania, killed enough of them to make the rest of them hoof it back to their various holy cities. For this, Pope Innocent the Eleventh called him the Savior of Western Civilization.
It is well to note that about 10 centuries ago they began to eat their seed corn. After preserving Aristotle, after making huge impacts on math, they turned inward. After 50 generations of inbreeding, other than being able to look through a keyhole with both eyes, they have reached a genetic cul-de-sac. The scientific method, reasoned discourse, healthy skepticism, critical enquiry, political freedoms, scientific achievements, cultural advancements are no longer even distant memories of their civilization.
Scan the list of Nobel Prize winners.
The last 2 winners with distinctly Muslim names were Barack Obama and Yasser Arafat.
Res ipso loquitur or quod erat demonstratum. Take your pick. Take both.
When the last group of burnoosed Dervishes took over Afghanistan they, prior to blowing up 2500 year old statues of Buddha, outlawed balloons and forbade whistling under pain of death. Now a progressive Imam has decreed that making a snow man is a punishable offense under Sharia law. What would they have done if Rudolph and Frosty showed up for noon prayers?
What would have happened if 13 centuries ago they had prevailed? 5 centuries ago? 4 centuries ago? What will happen if they prevail today?
The Magna Carta? Dante? Michelangelo? Shakespeare? Mozart? Madison? NASCAR? Einstein? Van Gogh? Ale? Babe Ruth? Matisse? Churchill? Rothko? Velcro? Bill Gates? The cello? Madonna? ApolloX1? Chicharones? Spandex? Smart phones? Lombardi & Bryant? The Honeymooners? James Joyce? Walt Disney? Ron Popeil? The Final Four? Sacaramouche? Bach? Penicillin? Frozen food? SUVs? Prince Harry? Accelerated depreciation? Same sex marriages? Curmudgeonly ballbusters?
Think of what we would have missed. If we never had it we couldn’t have missed it. What would have been there would have been an aching, a yearning, for the unknown. No hope, no chance of glory, no striving, no magic moments. Centuries of unexamined lives would have turned us into slugs like those we confront today.
If the Jews didn’t exist, if Israel had never come to be, these bug eyed apes still would have done what they did.
Max, my friend, you were dead a month before I knew it. I never got to say Kaddish.
Come back. We need you. Now. You have to wake the goyim.

Kevin Smith

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