Monday, January 26, 2015

January 25, 2015
Mitch Berger, Esq.
Berger Singer
350 E. Las Olas Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

RE: “Middle class economics” – Some comments on your unlinkable miniature OP-ED in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel on how great the imbecilic poltroon in the White House is for the middle class.

Mr. Berger,

Every time I hear someone who hangs out with Tom Steyer, today’s answer to gilded age Robber Barons, tell me that we can make the poor richer by making the rich poorer I count my silverware.

You mention that Thomas Piketty’s book is a guide for the perplexed about how to have 2, maybe 3, chickens in every pot by outlawing roosters a few things leap to mind:

A – It is absolutely unreadable. Not one person in a hundred purchasers could have gotten past page 52 without putting an ice pick in their good eye. Anyone who tells you that they read it will you that they read “The Wit and Wisdom of Jimmy Carter” and the 3 volume set of “Mondale and Dukakis on Stand-Up Comedy Shticks cum Door to Door Selling”. I’ll get Hillary’s new book “Afternoons with Red Bone the Broker and Exchanging Briefs with Vince Foster” only if it has pictures.

It’s as if a good sized dictionary, the multiplication tables, a history of rhomboids, and the decidedly unsacred Koran was put into t a high speed Nutri-Bullet, with vegan vinegar as an emulsifier was put on puree with the contents being flung onto the inside of a garage door because shadow painting was too expensive.

Maybe it was the transition but he makes Marx sound like Dickens.

B – Piketty has one premise. It is one dear to the hearts of card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberals. I don’t know what it reads like in French but in English it is very simple. No tax is ever too high. Only oafs who believe that this is the year the Summer of Recovery will arrive cheer such folderol. When will the Son of Solyndra arrive, the one with all the “Green” jobs?

No wonder you favor abortion. If you were a woman and you believed stuff like that you would always be pregnant. You would have a frequent user card at Planned Parenthood.

Godot, another Frenchman, will arrive at the head of a brass band before Piketty makes sense.
You say with neither a hint of sarcasm nor a hint of mirth that free community college will be good for the middle class. If that’s good how about free pizza? How about free stamps? How about free false teeth? How about free legal advice? You could shame your lodge brothers into really helping the middle class with that one. Free wills, free foreclosure defense, free slip and fault representation, free title insurance.

How about an executive order mandating free lunch?

You are like herpes in that you are a gift that keeps on giving.

You give wretched excess a bad name.

Promise me that you will never change.

Kevin Smith

PS – Can you get me some Solyndra bonds for my granddaughters’ college funds? Also, I feel it is important for you to know that my contempt is not personal.

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