Thursday, July 23, 2015

July 23, 2015

All hail the New York Times!
It never lets you down.

Beginning in 1864 when the Times acquiesced in the Democratic Party calling Abraham Lincoln a “baboon” and then supported a negotiated peace with the South, a peace that would have let slavery stand, the Times has been a journalistic pustule attached to the body politic. It stinks and shines.
Their enthusiastic support of President T. Woodrow Wilson, who, if we are to believe Justice Thurgood Marshall, was the vilest, most bigoted publicly racist national office holder of the 20th century. Wilson’s White House screening of “The Birth of a Nation” was covered by the Times in its news section, its political section, its arts section, and its social section.
The New York Times’s Moscow Correspondent Walter Duranty, the Pulitzer Prize winner in 1932, was a bought and paid for spy of the KGB. He wrote of how the low carb, gluten free diet that Uncle Joe Stalin had the Ukrainian Kulaks on was actually quite good for them. [A synonym for Kulak was Jew] He starved between 6,000,000 and 10,000,000 of them to death.
Watching very carefully was Adolph Hitler. Let it be stipulated that the Nazis were more precise record keeper than the Russkies..
It’s not too hard to connect those dots.
From 1933 to today the New York Times has refused to acknowledge the perfidy of its employee.  His Pulitzer star still shines proudly in its lobby. Imagine if the Pulitzer Prize winner for Foreign Reporting in 1934, Frederick T. Birchall, the Berlin correspondent of the Times, was working for the Gestapo? Just imagine. I can’t.
Herbert L. Matthews, Harrison Salisbury, and Anthony Lewis are three reasons why Google is so important.
Matthews got Castro his job. Salisbury thought the Viet Cong were “agrarian reformers”. Lewis said White folks criticizing Pol Pot’s killing of 1/3rd of Cambodians was out of bounds because of “cultural arrogance”’. 
“non-malodorous fecal matter syndrome” is a trait shared by modern American Liberals everywhere. The Times, in a Mephistopholean bargain, is able to genetically implant it into their scribes.
I stopped reading the Times in March, 2003. I had/have very clear memories of my father, the legendary Judge Smith, reading the 2 Arthurs – Daley and Krock – to me on Sunday when Harry Truman was President.
[It is passing strange that Hillary the Hecate now says that even though she voted for “it” in October, 2002 she never thought the President would do “it”. Lurch Kerry, a man who successfully married up twice,  a man who could support himself by being a face model shill for a hatchet company, said with nary hint of sardonic wit, that he voted for “it” before he voted against “it”. Spare me Lord from prolific protestations of public people who proclaim profusely that plaid is their favorite color. It is no longer necessary to define “smarmy” as in “smarmy bastard”. Gender equity demanded that there be gender balance.]
For the 3 months, New Year’s Day to Saint Patrick’s Day, leading up to the war, the Times was more concerned with the pressing question of why chicks not only couldn’t tee them up at the Masters but were only allowed into the Augusta National club house either to make their magic meat loaf or iron the members’ shirts. In the almost 10 week run up to war the Times devoted more Page 1 space to whether or not ladies would hit from the whites than it did to this country going to war. 
That took cojones so grande that should publisher Pinch Sulzberger, AKA “Little Shit”, and with the possible exception of Senator Lard Kennedy, the best example of why the inheritance tax rate should begin at 105%,  sit down he could not stand up without the benefit of a fork lift., doubtless operated by El Frito Bandido, his Sugar Daddy.
Thus was the stage set for “TROUBLED YOUTH IN DOWNWARD SPIRAL”.
This particular “TROUBLED YOUTH IN [A] DOWNWARD SPIRAL” shot and killed 5 serving members of the United States Armed Forces.
2 weeks before a “TROUBLED YOUTH IN [A] DOWNWARD SPIRAL” murdered 5 Americans in Chattanooga another “TROUBLED YOUTH IN [A] DOWNWARD SPIRAL” murdered 9 Americans in Charleston. 
George Orwell, a repentant Bolshie who came to know the Baby Jesus, told us that “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others”. Thus there was no surprise when Governor Mush Mouth O’Malley, a supremely spineless politician, spent 3 days apologizing for saying “All lives matter”.  His audience, all Black, booed him for saying that because the narrative, mostly set by the Times, says that Black deaths, particularly when caused by White folk, are more important than White deaths, particularly when they are caused by a possible feral Muslim thug. 
If it had been possible the Times would have led a night time raid snatching the White guy out of the lockup so they could flay him, disembowel him, and have him drawn and quartered because he is, presumptively, a red necked, gun loving White trash racist who wrapped himself in the Confederate flag.

What could be the most fitting comment?
 I know


PS – The last best use for the Times is one that helps the fragile environment. Keep a few Week in Review sections in the smallest room in the house. Hold it in front of you. Admire it. Crumple it. Then put it behind you. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, right?


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