Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 26, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE: “Is the GOP Better Off?” – Some comments on your generous and gracious offer to advise Republicans how to conduct themselves, particularly in public, in today’s unlinkable Sun Sentinel.

Big Stein, 

Political parties, in representative Democracies, constantly renew and reinvent themselves.

Like the making of laws and sausages the sight of free men deciding how to govern themselves is sometimes best kept from the view of children.  It is something anathema to modern American Liberals who genetically are inclined being told what to do.

You seem to disapprove of Republican “earmarks” while remaining neutral, by virtue of omission on Democratic ones. Yet again, the hydra-like ogre called “eclectic indignation”, the one thing that enables modern American Liberals to get through days filled with cognitive dissonance of gargantuan dimensions.

My favorite rabbi, Paul nee Saul of Tarsus, chided his friend Alexander for not beating the bushes for more souls for Christ. [The Pope is still here, right?]

“How am I to know unless some man tells me?” was his answer.

Can you give me a specific example of a modern American Liberal “earmark”?

Shovel-ready jobs, Cash for Clunkers, Midnight Basketball, and the Godot-like Summer of Arrival are no longer eligible.

Speaking of “wacky ideas” Bernie Sanders is chock-a-block filled with them. I will give him this however. Unlike Hillary he can at least lie straight in bed. That is something that she in a role fit for her, that of being an oozing bag of foetid eel shit in a 3XXX pastel pant suit, is incapable of doing.

I’ll run your ideas past the Koch Brothers to see what they say.

Thanks for the help.



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