Monday, November 9, 2015

November 3, 2015
Senator Bernie Sanders
PO Box 905
Burlington, VT 05402

RE: A fairer tax code

Senator Sanders,

Enclosed please find my thoughts on increasing tax revenue by closing egregious loopholes.

#1 – Make the interest paid on municipal bonds taxable.
#2 – Repeal the deduction of local real estate taxes from federal taxes.
#3 – Tax people.

#1 will get as much as $50,000,000,000 more in Federal revenue. Beyond that there is a fundamental question of fairness. How many inner city Blacks own municipal bonds? Why should they subsidize rich White guys who do?

As to #2, why should renters, mainly people of color who have been perpetually unlucky in life’s lottery, have to pay an unfair share, a share not diluted by its deduction on Federal income taxes, of municipal services? It is bad enough that they have to run a daily gauntlet of racist police. It is made worse when they have to pay a disproportionate 
share of it.

#3 will require some finessing, some nuancing, may be even some Pelosing, as in “we have to pass it to see what’s in it”.
GlobalCoolingGlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDestruction was/is/shall be caused by one absolutely undeniable truth, however uncomfortable it may be to come to grips with it.

Rich First Worlders, mostly White or White wanabees, are destroying the planet by aggressive air conditioning, selfish eating habits, and reliance on electronic gizmos and thingamajigs.

Here is my plan. I hope you will give it consideration.

A – After one child there will be no more tax deductions. Further, if you have a second child you lose the tax deduction for the first. If you have more than two children you will pay a penalty equal to the amount you would have saved under the old tax code.
B - Vasectomies and tubal ligations will be performed at no cost to the patient. Further, the government will pay a bounty to each patient.
C - Medicare winds down after age 75. After 80 you are on your own. Joint replacements will be allocated on a lottery basis. Pain medication will become more holistic. Yoghurt, tofu, and seltzer shall be the basic menu for any nursing home receiving any government funds. Seasonal ambient temperatures, accompanied by eternally looping Vivaldi, shall be the norm in death houses.
D – 4th and 5th trimester abortions shall be subsidized and rewarded.
E – The Spartan method of infant inspection shall become the law of the land.
F – Sonographic evidence of pending multiple births shall be used to terminate any over one. Parents get to choose.
G – All maternity wards shall be named after either Margaret Sanger or Josef Mengele. 

Please use the above as starting points, as loci of discussions, to make us do what is right.

If I can be of any service you need but ask.

Kevin Smith

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