Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February 1, 2017
If President Trump, il Magnifico if you prefer, were to ride Pegasus into this Sunday’s Super Bowl half-time show and announced that he had cured cancer and solved all teenage self-esteem issues busloads, said buses being rented by George Soros, everyone’s favorite zonder commando,  of slovenly pants shitting wowsers and bounders would arrive before the Lombardi Trophy had been presented to say he didn’t like horses.

For 8 years modern American Liberal Democrats, as if there were any other kind, treated Bush 43 as if he were a friggin’ piñata. The reason they were able to do it was because of his innate civility. He chose not to respond, not to fight back.

President Trump taught Rahm Emanuel, now Mayor of Chicago, a city that thanks to Aleppo is #2 in walk down the street and shoot a 10 year old in the head, the truth of the adage “Never bring a knife to a gun fight”.

Nolo me tangere cum impecunis is alive and well.

Margaret Thatcher, and God Bless her name, said “This Lady is not for burning”. Listen up, Liberal pukes! There’s a new sheriff in town.

Now that they both are gone and we can get on with the delightful task of forgetting them can I say without fear of being called a racist like Woodrow Wilson and Robert Byrd or a sexist like Handsome Billy from Hot Springs, the King of the One-eyed Trouser Snakes that Michelle and Hillary had arses that would make Aunt Jemima and Oliver Hardy envious? I can? Great! An axe handle and a half wide for one of them and a double wide wheel barrel should the other have to haul ass.

Buckle your seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Kevin Smith

PS – Travel Advisory to Nancy Pelosi, Ls Bruja Grande de San Francisco: Don’t go to Salem, Massachusetts. They’ll hang you so fast it will make your last face lift feel like sweater meat time at the malt shop. Your belly button will wind up at your 2nd cervical vertebra after your atomic wedgie.
Emmiss truth to Chuckie S from Brooklyn: Lemons? Si. Lemonade? Si. Lemon zest? Si. Lemon meringue pie? Si, como no. Sucking a lemon dry and eating the skin just before a press conference? No, you shmuck.

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