Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fred Tasker - Head Wine Taster, Miami Herald

March 9, 2008

Fred Tasker – Head Wine Taster

The Miami Herald

One Herald Plaza

Miami, Florida 33132-1693

RE: You are my American Idol and is Jake O’Shaughnasey’s still in Seattle? A comment on your critique of wines grown in the State of Washington.

Mr. Tasker,

I am coming out of retirement [virtual] to announce the formation of the


I am a calorically challenged, folllilcley challenged, and biblically bearded recovering wine snob. Since I am comfortably on life’s back nine I am qualified, I dare say uniquely qualified, to spot another like soul. Since it is bad form to be President of your own fan club I will take on that additional load.

All I can say is “What a country”! As my friend, the legendary restaurateur and sportsman, Big Mike from Bayonne, still says, “That’s why you never see anybody swimming to Cuba”.

That you managed to get a company, a public company, a company that files 10Ks and such, to pay you to drink wine and then write about it makes you my hero.

The club rules are simple.

#1 – Buy from the top or bottom of the list. Never in the middle.

#2 – Drink white when the red runs out.

#3 – Pavarotti was Burgundy. Domingo is Bordeaux.

Dues are optional. If you send me some money I’ll put it to good use.

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