Saturday, May 3, 2008

Beth Reinhard, The Miami Herald

May 3, 2008

Beth Reinhard

The Miami Herald

One Herald Plaza

Miami, Florida 33132-1693

RE: The official list of victims grows once more – What else can those Republican rednecks do? As told, both sorrowfully and angrily, in your column this morning in the Miami Herald.

Ms. Reinhard,

“It’s gotten to the point where getting an abortion in Florida

is about as challenging as, well, casting a ballot.”

The Miami Herald

Page 3B



Does that mean you have to have a photo ID before the rabbit chaser goes to work? If having a felony conviction means the foetus avoids the hook can Mom sell the baby on E-Bay?

“One reason for the low mark [‘D’ from NARAL] is that more

than 2/3rds of Florida counties lack abortion doctors…”


How many counties in Florida have PET Scan machines? How many have MRIs? How about hyperbaric chambers? Would it be fair to say that all medical procedures are equal but that some are more equal than others? [I would love to take credit for that idea but, alas, Orwell had it first.]

“But for women who are poor and take the bus, getting

an abortion can be an ordeal on top of an ordeal.”


All the more reason for suspending both the Federal and state gasoline tax AND drilling in ANWR and the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. More supply will help to drive down the cost of gasoline. I know that it is hard for a modern American Liberal to believe that the struggle between supply and demand has an effect on prices. I suggest that the evidence of your own eyes with regards to the South Florida real estate market should provide proof of this. The serendipitous bonus in this is that it would make it easier for women of color to abort their babies.

“The young and the poor, Blacks and Hispanics, the same people for

whom ending an unwanted pregnancy can seem next to impossible.”


“Difficult, yes. Impossible, no.” That was the answer the head killer gave to Michael Corleone in “the Godfather” when asked about shooting Hyman Roth.

Facts are hard things.

Since 1973, despite all the above named obstacles, despite being about 6% of the entire population, non-White women have had about 40% of the abortions in this country. Who says minorities can’t overcome obstacles.

Anyway, thanks for expanding the official list modern American Liberal victims.

PS – About the anti-Affirmative Action statistics…it would be wrong to tell Pastor Wright so don’t. Also, if the price of gasoline continues to rise, and who knew that oil companies were secret Right-to-Life fans, do you think transportation vouchers, redeemable for medical purposes only, should be made available? Particularly for women of color?

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