Saturday, May 17, 2008

Susan Estrich hates mean people

May 16, 2008

Suzan Estrich, J.D.

Robert Kingsley Professor of Law

Gould School of Law

University of Southern California

699 Exposition Boulevard

Los Angeles, California 90089-0071

RE: “Drat. Why can’t Cindy’s husband’s friends play nice with others?”

Ms. Estrich,

If Senator Biden, AKA “Chia Pet Head” or “Curly”, can say Bullshit in public so can I.

I think your article on Cindy McCain shows that you are slicker than owl shit on a brass door knob.

Can you tell me the difference between “Swift Boating” and “Borking”?

You may recall that in 1987 investigators for the Democratic majority in the Senate thought that the movies that Judge Bork rented from Blockbuster were relevant to his nomination to the Supreme Court. You teach law. Do you think they were? Would it have been fair to inquire of Judge Breyer or Judge Ginzburg their taste in flicks?

You may recall that Senator Leahy, and if there is a more malodorous bucket of foetid eel shit than that sad sack anywhere in the Republic I can’t find him, wanted to know about some extra legal work Judge Bork did some years earlier. Senator Leahy, AKA “Crap”, knew full well that Judge Bork’s wife was at the end stage of a terminal illness. He was trying to earn some extra money to make the last stage of her life a bit more comfortable.

Perhaps you have had a parent or a spouse go out hard. I have. If you did you would have wanted to slap the shit out of that mean spirited bastard.

As to dude in the 10 ring of the gallant “Swift Boaters”, all Senator Jay Forbes Kerry had to do was authorize the Department of Defense to release his DD214 and then his complete personnel file.

For all anybody knew, and because he refused to sign the releases, he could have been a whacko fruit cake, monkey spanking, chicken choking, Section 8, bed wetting, pot smoking FUBARED White kid. On the other hand he could have been a genuine hero. He choose not to take the American public into his confidence.

He might still make a world class mountain biking wind surfer. His one certified world class accomplishment, getting a leg over on 2 – at least - fabulously wealthy women, remains his permanent legacy. He almost, I repeat, almost made 2 of his Boston/DC shuttle mates, Ted Kennedy, AKA “Suet”, and “Barney Frank, AKA “Lollipop”, look good. Almost.

You say in your column that Cindy McCain is a “very nice woman”. You also say that some of her husband’s friends are absolute shits. You know that they are going to say some not so nice things about Senator B. Hussein Obama.

Macaca would certainly be beyond the pale.

How about baboon?

The Democrat Party and the New York Times thought it was OK to call a sitting President of the United States a baboon when he ran for reelection. You CV says that you teach at the University of Southern California. I am sure they have a big library there. I hope they have a Department of History there. Look it up.

President Bush addressed the Knesset yesterday. I suppose he should have bought Jimmy Carter and Pastor Wright with him to show that he had no hard feelings. He spoke of appeasement and its consequences. When he said the magic word it was greeted by loud, prolonged applause. Is it too big a chasm to span to claim that the road from Munich led straight to Auschwitz?

When Chamberlain came back from Munich to the acclaim of his countrymen one man said “We had to choose between shame and war. We choose shame. We will have war.” That man, of course, was Churchill. He ranks as one of the 20th Century’s biggest turds in the punch bowl. Thank God.

Biden with his polyester hair and his ivory teeth; Leahy with his oleaginous oozy ordure; Kerry with his hatchet face muff diving charm for lonely rich ladies…Who’s left?

Carl Levin, with his comb over beginning South of his lumbar spine; Nancy Pelosi, with her face so tight she pees through her navel and makes Barbara Walters and Joan Rivers look slack jawed and wattley…a target rich environment, no?

Alas, since I am neither a “Borker” nor a “Swift Boater” I’ll leave it to others.

Does Senator B O, “Hussy” to his friends from the ‘hood, know George Soros? If he doesn’t he will.

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