Monday, May 12, 2008

Michael Mayo, The Sun Sentinel

May 11, 2008

Michael Mayo

The Sun-Sentinel

200 East Las Olas Boulevard

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: I’m shocked! Shocked! Rich White guys are served a different brand of justice? Why your column in the Sun-Sentinel this AM on how a younger Huizenga laughed at justice on a DUI felony rap should be a rallying cry.

Mr. Mayo,

Don’t you just hate it when rich White guys thumb their noses at us poor working guys? If you think the Huizenga cur is the only rich White guy who got a pass on his confessed crimes you’re in for a shock.

You’re probably too young to remember so go to Google. Type in Chappaquiddick.

Mary Jo Kopechne is still dead. She is going to be dead for a very long time.

The rich White guy who killed her is still around.

Doesn’t that make your blood boil?

I guess nothing changes.

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