Friday, January 15, 2010

Robert Watson, Ph.D. Lynn University

January 10, 2010

Robert Watson, Ph.D.
Lynn University
3601 North Military Trail
Boca Raton, FL 33431

RE: who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes? – Some thoughts on your marvelous op-ed Republican liars in this morning’s Sun-Sentinel.

My dear Professor,

Presidents lie? I am shocked, shocked to find that out. I thought I was too old to learn anything new.

I’m fooling.

Presidents are supposed to lie. We expect it of them.

Woodrow Wilson ran for re-election in 1916 by promising to keep America out of wars overseas. Mexico didn’t bother him. Incidentally, Thurgood Marshall said that Wilson was the most bigoted, biased, and anti-Negro President in his life time. Do you agree with that?

Franklin Roosevelt set a Nixon standard for lying to Americans in 1939 and 1940 about America and the European War. I’ve read a bit too much about Churchill to think that he tip-toed in to some American Naval Bases and made off with all those destroyers on his own. They addressed and signed their personal correspondence with “Former Naval person”.

As to Clinton’s lying the cause, his stepping out on the Missus for “a bit of the gobble”, is irrelevant. My morning episode of the Sopranos included Carmella telling the shrink that her husband would “poke anything with a pulse”. Ah! To have been a fly on the wall during the post-Monica make up sessions led by the snake handling minister!

But I digress.

I will share something that is so obvious that only a really smart person could miss it.

Clinton didn’t just lie. Clinton perjured himself.

“A man on oath holds his soul in his hand as if it were water.
He opens his fingers at his own peril.”

As to the wretched excesses of the “vast Right-Wing conspiracy” I am glad to see that you have debunked the ammo shortage myth being caused by Obama. Your explanation – a classic case of supply and demand imbalances – is straight from the Austrian School. Does that make you a closet Friedmanite?

In your rush to castigate the “birthers” – those mostly angry, bitter gun clingers who shrieked that Obama wasn’t born in this country – you probably didn’t have time to turn your wrath on the “truthers”.

They are the ones who say that Halliburton wired the WTC and the Pentagon to blow up after a fabulous light show and illusion paid for by the Carlyle Group, a known Bush family satrapy, to convince some Red Necks that peace loving Islamists, convinced by enemies of Georg Soros that they didn’t have to die to get their 72 virgins, to fly into buildings. Bringing Rosie O’Donnell into the public arena to caterwaul that steel doesn’t melt was a stroke of genius. I haven’t yet tied Fox News to this but I will, I will.

How Joe the Plumber, in cahoots with those Tea Party people, convince the Christmas bomber, heretofore a banker whose father didn’t much like him, armed only with a scrotum pocket rocket, to try to send that big plane down the only working chimney in Detroit is beyond me.

Any clues?

Kevin Smith

PS – Did President Obama, the one whose shadow need but fall on us for miracles to occur, promise to televise the Health Care hearings in 2008 or 2009?

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