Thursday, January 21, 2010

Senator Dan Gelber

January 20, 2010

Senator Dan Gelber
1920 Meridian Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33139

RE: The wonders of make-up plus a good photographer and no one need ever know.

Senator Gelber,

By now you must be minus your lower lip.

I say this because if your resume is correct and that you went to college, law school, passed a Bar exam, and prosecuted people it is inconceivable that you could make, continuously make, statements such as the one below and keep said lip.

“Florida has an insurance crisis – 20% of our citizens
have no insurance,” Gelber said. “I have no idea what
McCollum will do to solve this crisis other than to sue
Congress when it tries to solve the problem.”

[As an aside, and for the record, perhaps you could clear some fuzzy math about the “insurance crisis”. 17 years when Czarina Hillary’s plan to graft the wildly popular Bulgarian health template onto the American health system we were told that we had 43,000,000 uninsured people in this country. By last year the number had grown to 47,000,000. President Obama twice said that the number was 30,000,000. How many are there? How are they counted? Was “statistical sampling”, a methodology that the Supreme Court said was unconstitutional when ACORN grifters tried to use it in the Census, used? Just asking?]

I thought the Constitution was a document that said what government could do.

I thought the Bill of Rights was a document that said what government could not do.

Can you tell me “where I can lay my finger on the part of the Constitution” that says government can mandate the purchase of insurance? If you can find that it should be no problem finding the part that says government can punish those who fail to do so.

I wrote to you a while back congratulating you for sending your children to the same public grammar school that you attended. I asked you to find out why President Obama doesn’t send his daughters to fine schools run by the District of Columbia. By the perpetual mantra of modern American Liberals the DC school should be the finest in the country because they have far and away the highest per pupil expenditure in the United States. Why wouldn’t he take advantage of that?

I haven’t heard back from you.

Do you think I ever will?

Kevin Smith

P.S. – since you keep your plastic surgeon’s cell # on your speed dial may I suggest that the next time you chomp through your lower lip you go for the Julia Roberts look? Anyone running as a Democrat is a member of a party that says the best way to fight unemployment is to increase taxes and raise the minimum wage. Also, their plan to tax the bejeezus out of the banks to make them lend so jobs can be created is priceless. They run the risk of bleeding to death. Call me if you need a pint

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