Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 11, 2014
Letter to the Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E. Broward Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

RE: Today’s Page 1 – plus the Opinion Page


The not quite upper case Jeremiad, the Page 1 article authored by William Gipson, your Mount Olympus dwelling Washington correspondent, about the coming horrors of “fracking” in the foetid swamp East of Naples, fails the smell test.

I say that because I “fracked” my first well in January, 1974 with no deleterious effects on me or the environment.

The sad truth, an inconvenient one, is that modern American Liberals never let facts interfere with their argument[s]. By the by, it makes no difference which Republican sponsored evil is being excoriated because the answer[s] will always be the same.

Make Americans less free
Raise taxes

And when that doesn’t work double the dosage. How else could we still be fighting the War on Poverty? 50 years and counting...with no end in sight. “Once more dear boobs, once more into the breach….”

The sad truth is that if we don’t “frack” we wind up buying more oil from Nigeria and Brunei, two modern American Liberal villains du jour. Look it up. Honest.

The other thing is that I didn’t know is that GIs and their kids are second class citizens when it comes to in-state tuition. These are people who, having gone into harm’s way, who have “seen the elephant”, who stand on walls so we can sleep safely in our beds, now find themselves subordinate to the children of illegal aliens. A case can

be made for not visiting the sins of the father – if you break the law getting here you are per se illegal – on the son. [Check the Constitution. Look for the prohibition of Bills of Attainder] Shouldn’t a case be made for Veterans and their children being treated pari passu?

If you need some guidance on this matter I suggest a quick reading of Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural address may be of some help.

Kevin Smith

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