Monday, March 30, 2015

March 29, 2015
Gary Stein
The Sun Sentinel

RE A chance to show that you are on the side of the Angels.

Big Stein, 

I was into your George Zimmerman column, the one that says his name is now a four letter word, when I got to the part where you mentioned the “clowns” at Fox news.

Even though I realized that turning on my TV would be proof positive of my uncaring attitude about polar bears drowning and coral reefs disappearing – Electricity comes from burning coal and coal causes polar bears to drown and staghorn coral reefs to die, right? – I said I would risk it.

The first 2 “clowns” that I saw, Juan Williams and Howard Kurtz, were pointing out some of the deficiencies of Senator Cruz. At the bottom of the screen was a news crawl about the rage at the horror, the horror of Indiana passing their version, the 20th state to do so, of the Freedom of Religion act.
[In 1993 Congress passed the law on which all state laws are now based. There were only 3 “NO” votes out of a possible 535. It was signed into law by that old red neck cracker, Bill Clinton]

It is now approaching, like all du jour outrages of modern American Liberalism, a “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” moment.

It’s too late, I think, to pull a Martin Luther King birthday brouhaha, the one that caused the NFL to get out of Arizona. Since I don’t think that enough Hoosier high schools can name Barney Frank and Rosie O’Donnell as the reigning regents of the upcoming proms I suggest an alternative for the Sentinel.


Kentucky is a big tobacco growing state.

Michigan just became a Right to Work state

Wisconsin’s Governor is Scott Walker.

Duke is in North Carolina, a state that had Jesse Helms and Sam Ervin as its Senators. Even though Helms adopted a less than perfect Black child he was, as is well known, a serial racist. Ervin spent his entire public life trying to stop little Black boys from going to school with little White girls.

And they will all be playing in Indiana?

Boycott it. Don’t cover it.

It will make you feel warm all over.

Just like not eating grapes made your elders feel back in the ‘60s.

Kevin Smith

PS - Have Little Stein try to find out about Trollope. One of his characters, Phineas Finn, is acquitted of a murder most foul. The Judge tells him to go home with honor since he is the only man in the Empire found to be not guilty of this crime. Just like George Zimmerman. Just like OJ Simpson. Alas, not like Ricky Ray Rector.

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