Monday, October 2, 2017

October 1, 2017

Rosemary O’Hara – Editorial Page Editor
The Sun Sentinel
500 E Broward Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394

Ms. O’Hara,

“Is Broward Named for a Racist?”
“Clock is Ticking for Street Names”

As bad and stupid as Political Correctness is, making it retroactive makes it infinitely worse. And of course, Orwell was right when he said controlling the past means you can control the future. [As an aside, modern American Liberals secretly despised him from 1937 on because he said that Stalin was not Peter Pan. Look it up.]

Are there any statues of Jackson – Andy, not Jesse – left standing? If so, get some Cherokees and scalp them.

The Navy named a supply ship after Cesar Chavez, the grape pickers’ champion. Not only did he want to stop all immigration by building a wall, he wanted the army to man it and shoot any braceros emigrating without portfolio. Sink that ship.

Speaking of ships to be sunk, the Navy named 2 nuclear powered warships after John Stennis and Carl Vinson. ere Congressman who spent their entire adult lives trying to keep little White school girls safe from the feral advance safe of little Black boys. Get those ships to Pearl Harbor so the Japs can sink them this December the 7th. It will partial reparation for August 6th and August 9th, 1945.

Justice Hugo Black and Senator Robert Byrd, both Democrats and modern American Liberals, were members of the Ku Klux Klan. Hillary Clinton, AKA “the wide-bottomed whiner”, said that Byrd was her “mentor”. The prescribed punishment, spending a weekend in a Gorilla Glued, duck taped sleeping bag, a bag built for one, with Handsome Billy from Hot Springs as her horizontal tango partner, with them reading from her latest book, still would not grant her absolution.
FDR, by refusing to let the German liner St. Louis dock in America, sent 900 Jews to the gas chamber as surely as if his name were Himmler or Heydrich. If there are any FDR dimes still around they should be confiscated and scrapped.

My father’s father had 2 uncles who were non-coms in the New York 69yh Infantry, the Irish Brigade. They both were in the charge at the Wheat Field on July 2, 1863. One of them is still there, “wrapped in faded coat of Blue”. Every time I drive past Plantaton High School and see the sign saying “Home of the Colonels” I am offended. Scratch that. I am deeply offended.
My children and grandchildren are aware of their legacy, it being the 14 centuries old History of freeing slaves. I tell them to turn their eyes away from the offending sign.

Change Broward County to Willy Horton County

Plantation High School and the city of Plantation will be given neutral names, name s such as Jesse Jackson High or the City of Uncle Remus or Old Black Joe. 

It’s tough being a modern American Liberal when your favorite color is plaid, isn’t it?

Kevin Smith

PS – Sometimes I surprise myself. Did I say “Old Black Joe”? Taking the advice from the Hecate librarian in Cambridge, MA, let me add the music of Stephen Foster to the Dr. Seuss bonfire she’s planning. Do you remember when the Russkies made listening to “Findlandia” a capital offense? The same rule will apply to having a copy of Little Black Sambo. Off with their heads!

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