Monday, October 30, 2017

October 28, 2017

Letter to the Editor
The Star Ledger
Star Ledger Plaza
Newark, NJ

RE: Some comments on your unlinkable editorial on the horror, the horror oc Climate chnagr and the government’s inability to tell its citizens that the sky is falling.

Sirs, Madames, Undecideds,

First of all, it was not Hurricane Sandy. It was big, nasty, mean spirited, divisive, particularly to women and minorities, Sandy the Storm.

It’s a small thing but it’s important for two reasons.

A – God is in the details.
B – The words “consensus” and “science” do not belong, never ever, in the same sentence. It would be like saying “almost a virgin” or “almost malignant” or “almost the truth”.

I am going to take a break here. I am going to put my “Proud Global Warmer” hat on. It – Global Warming – is what caused the Renaissance. Unless you have a problem with Dante just nod and say “Deo Gratias”. Besides, it’s what guys born and raised in Bayonne do.

I spent several summers as a child in Sea Bright.

I spent several summers as an adult in Bay Head.

If, as you say, the sea level is rising, how much have the property values gone down?

If, as you say, the sea level is rising, why is the United States government insuring property owners against the absolutely, positively, guaranteed risk of destruction from which there is no escape?

If, as you say, the sea level is rising, why are banks still financing the purchases of these properties? The instruments are called mortgages and, I know you’ll find this hard to believe, but in our post-racial society the government buys this debt thereby enabling the lenders to do it all over again. Honest.

I greatly treasure my copy of Paul Ehrlich’s 1969 forgotten masterpiece, “The Population Bomb”. It said we were doomed to die by the year 2000. We would either starve or freeze. Talk about a Hobson’s Choice!
Does the word “bullshit” still have the same panache it had when I was a resident Jersey Guy?

Kevin Smith

Ps – I loved it when you said to “incorporate under-represented populations in the decision-making process”. Does that include illegal aliens, border jumpers, DACA whelps, Sanctuary City refugees, ISIS/ISIL veterans, and undocumented flotsam and jetsam? How will you know if you can’t ask them? It must be tough to be a card carrying, fire breathing modern American Liberal these days. Deep down you know that you are all full of shit.

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