Sunday, December 14, 2008

Three New Stooges

I think it was Churchill who said “Be of good cheer. Things will come right in the end.”

Evidence of that optimistic outlook is everywhere. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that the arrival of The Chosen One has led to an accentuation of the positive with no more Mister in Between.

“Congressman Rostenkowski says all pols aren’t like Blago.”

“Gore says the world cares more about Paris Hilton than Global Warming.”

“Caroline Kennedy up for New York Senate seat.”

#1 – Rostenkowski, the paradigmatic template of ethical behavior, cautions us not to judge all pols like Governor Blago. Rosty went to jail for stealing from himself, his office, the House of Representatives, his constituents, and the people of America. His lesson, it’s always the rotten 96% who ruin it for the others, is worth noting.

#2 – Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., AKA Alpha Gump, noted Tennessee slumlord, wishes that the world was made up of more Paris Hiltons. Only people as bright as that ninny could agree with him, a 21st Century Lysenko, a man who gives horses’ asses a bad name, when he babbles on about Global Warming and drowning polar bears and reverse hockey sticks. As the head boob he should thank God for people such as Paris Hilton. Who else would listen to him without evacuating their bladders in paroxysms of uncontrollable guffaws? He makes her sound like Marie Curie. She makes him sound like someone who knows what color an orange is.

#3 – As the Manhattan doyenne of The Lucky Sperm Club Caroline Kennedy has one big thing going for her. She is smarter than her cousin Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, the former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. Alas, that’s not saying much because that broad was so dumb she made my hair hurt. The label, Toes to the Front, is in all her shoes. She bats about .400. Maybe she gets dressed in the dark. Imagine if her name were Caroline Schlossberg. The only way she gets to the Senate is with the high school tour.

“Like I said “things will come right in the end”.

The Democrats are back.

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