Wednesday, April 22, 2009

David Fleshler, The Sun-Sentinel

April 22, 2009

David Fleshler
The Sun-Sentinel
200 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

RE: Bears!

Mr. Fleshler,

Maybe you can clear a few things up for me.

Today is Earth Day. Your story tells me that black bears have been seen in Broward County. Can you tell me why polar bears are threatened by Global Warming while black bears seem to be thriving? Also, if Global Warming is melting the ice at the North Pole where is the water going? Have any of the harbors in the Northern Hemisphere reported a rise in the water level?

The consensus of science once said that tomatoes were poisonous. The consensus of science once said that the earth and the sun had a fundamentally different relationship than they enjoy today. Do you think we should encourage a new Ice Age as a way to overcome Global Warming?

May I suggest that as a way to ingratiate yourself with your bosses – you do work for a bankrupt company so any cost saving idea would be most welcome – you get them to turn off all air conditioners at the Sun-Sentinel building? I have been suggesting this to the Miami Herald since 1997. Alas, no luck yet. Maybe Tribune employees are more environmentally sensitive than McClatchy workers.

I intend to spend the rest of the day trying to increase the size of my carbon footprint.

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