Tuesday, September 1, 2009


August 30, 2009

De mortuis…?

I was going to leave this crap alone.

I changed my mind.

#1 – Senator Toad Dodd [D-CT], a man who daily proves that the acorn never falls far from the tree in that he makes his father’s peccadilloes with the petty cash box seem like the small potatoes that they were and the only politician who ever told me a lie while looking me straight in the eye, preached a eulogy that made good people weep. They wept not because of sadness but, rather, because of lies beyond those acceptable when the guest of honor is dead. The lead sentence of his obituary will read: “He was a friend of Teddy and a Friend of Angelo.”

#2 – Who says the Catholic Church is behind the times? Just as Jesus drove the money changers from the temple for cause the “teachable moment” came and went with nary a peep out of those Vatican 2 alumni. They spoke of Kennedy’s devotion to principle. What of the principle of human life? How many times do you get them all in the same room? How many times will they have the nation’s attention? How many times could the subject of abortion been brought up in a church filled with hypocritical politicians? The political argument that it is the law of the land so I have no choice but to follow it would have guaranteed that slavery, it being the law of the land – the Dred Scott decision, remember? – would still be with us.

#3 – “Punctuality is the courtesy of kings” was used once again to prove the plebian background of the entire band of thieves. They were late leaving Boston; they were late leaving the Capitol; they were late getting to the cemetery. They waved to the crowd like they were all auditioning for the part of Marie Antoinette. Having had the fix put in for everything all their lives by trusted “family aides” the one thing these sycophantic ass kissers could not fix was the sunset. I just hope they put him in the right hole. It was the only thing in D.C. that was “shovel ready”.

Since this seems to be a weekend for Irish wakes maybe you’ve heard of the story of Mrs. Malone and her dying husband. He went into the hospital sick and came out dead. Before he was buried the priest asked her how she wanted his eulogy to go seeing as how he died of gonorrhea and diarrhea. The Widow Malone paused and said “Father, tell them he died of gonorrhea. I’d rather people remembered him for the sport that he wasn’t rather than for the shit that he was.”

You would think Saint Frank of Assisi or Father Theresa was being buried.

In 2 millennia of Christendom we can be certain of only one soul being in Heaven. Jesus Christ himself invited Dismas to spend eternity with him. I cannot judge another man’s soul. “As long as the light is left to burn the vilest sinner may yet return” has been a Christian belief since Jesus. Deo volente that the Hound may have caught him at the end. If not he’s is going to inspire an updated version on La Commedia, hopefully for the sake of his soul, Purgatorio and not Inferno. In fact, he may have caused a brand new circle to have been built and, while I doubt the Stimulus program can claim credit for another “creation”, they will, they will.

But what is left is a bit of a foul taste that time will not make more palatable. What makes it worse is the lock step reactions of Kennedy “family aides”, both paid and unpaid. Camelot is proclaimed yet again. Like the horizon it was unreachable.

From being a serial cheater in college to leaving a woman to drown to being a bit of a rake and a sot he was never held responsible for his actions. His brothers took turns getting a leg over on Marilyn Monroe, wire tapping Martin Luther King, kvetching about the price of steel, and getting this country into Vietnam. Rather than Camelot it was Gomorrah Lite.

That the voters of Massachusetts saw fit to return him to office again and again suggests perhaps a return to literacy tests may be in order. It suggests that after a time the human psyche can accept anything.

If ever there were an argument against inherited wealth it was on display yesterday. No wonder he was a fan of Affirmative Action. If his name were Kanjorksi the only way he gets into Harvard would have been by being a swimming and diving instructor.

“de mortuis…?”

Let’s ask Judge Bork.

Mary Jo Kopechne can’t answer any questions. She is still dead.

Kevin Smith

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