Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hillary Clinton Secretary of State

May 10, 2012
Hillary Clinton
Secretary of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

RE: At last, the RESET button [Mandarin version] is working.

Madame Secretary,

You were opposed to the entry of Wal-Mart into the American banking business when you were in the Senate even though you once were a member of its Board of Directors. That was when your husband was the Governor of Arkansas.

In re the Keystone Pipeline, the President has said that he will wait until the State Department finishes its assessment of the foreign policy effects, the nexus of business and diplomacy being obvious.

I read this morning of the Federal Reserve “clearing a takeover of a US bank by a Chinese state-controlled company”.

Was the State Department made aware of this?

If not, why not?

If you were, were your comments made public?

If not, why not?

Since I can find no record of your department commenting on it I must assume that the adage “silence gives consent” applies.

Would you be so kind as to tell me why you, when you were a Senator, were opposed to Wal-Mart, as American a company as can be imagined, while you stand mute when the Chinese government enters our banking business?

Will the rules governing American owned banks apply equally to Chinese government owned banks? Specifically, will they be subject to the FDIC and state banking regs? Will they be subject to Congressional oversight? In the event of a law suit will the Chinese government, not the Chinese and/or American managers, respond in a United States Court or will they claim diplomatic immunity?

Perhaps we should think about a swap of Treasury obligations held by the Chinese government for some American entities. Why not Camp Gitmo? They are very experienced in locking people up. Besides, who can beat the weather? If not Gitmo how about Vieques? Detroit and the Everglades leap to mind. Ceding Santa Catalina and Martha’s Vineyard to the Uighurs for some cancelled T-Bills would show that we stand with the 99%.

As to your hair, I think you are old enough and scarred enough for you to wear it any way you want. Since I am follicley challenged I prefer floppy mullets. Who says the wet look is dead?

In anticipation of the courtesy of a prompt and complete reply I remain


Kevin Smith

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